
Lassen Tapeout Task List

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Resolving/Missing Features

  • Counter - dropping
  • Breakpoints/IRQ - Not dropping
  • Floating Point Comparison/flags, Ross, Nikhil
  • Resolve differences between python gmpy2.mpfr implementation and design ware, Caleb, Ross, Nikhil
  • clk_en/Register Valid
  • Carry in
  • compare specification of instructions to both python simulator and RTL, Lenny, Keyi

Missing randomized Tests

  • "micro" FP ops, Nikhil, Ross (branch 'float-test')

    • GetMant
    • AddIExp
    • SubExp
    • CnvExp2F
    • GetFInt
    • GetFFrac
    • FCnvInt2F
    • FPSub
    • FPAdd
  • Complex Ops, Nikhil, Ross (Branch 'complex-float')

    • div
    • ln
    • exp
    • round
    • Ceil
    • Floor
  • Register Modes (for each of the 5 inputs), Pat:

    • Delay
    • Const
    • Bypass
  • Carry tests, Ross ('add32' -> master)

    • adc
    • sbc
    • add32 (complex op)
    • sub32 (complex op)
  • IRQ

  • Reading and writing Data and bit registers (Ross/Keyi)

  • Stall

  • Asynchronous reset on Data/Bit Registers (Lenny)


  • Check that no functional units are duplicated, Lenny
    • check that FP FUs are not duplicated (only one instance of add/mul modules in output verilog)
    • reduced the number of multiply units via #131 and #132
  • Sanity check the RTL and look for simple optimizations, Lenny
    • Register (Peak) - visually inspected and tested via cdonovick/peak#56
    • RegisterMode - #125
    • These datapath elements are currently tested through test_pe so we're fairly confident in there functionality:
      • _lut
      • adc
      • alu
      • cond
      • ite
      • lut
      • overflow
      • PE

Do we have tests for comparison ops (gt, ge, lt, le, eq, neq)? This is still an unchecked (May 15) goal (

Should FPAdd, FPSub tests be on this task list? I notice it is still an open issue #42

The register VALID mode is not implemented. Can we remove that test?