Source files for the Open, Transparent, and Reproducible Data Science Handbook
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Please include approach potential collaborators and agree upon authorship at the start of the project.
#4 opened by MarioMalicki - 0
Consider if you want to have a recommendation in publishing or securing funding for open access journals
#10 opened by MarioMalicki - 0
Consider adding a post publication section - to include replying to inquiries about your work as well as correcting your work if you find mistakes
#9 opened by MarioMalicki - 0
Consider adding a section on type of most common variables - categorical, ordinal, continuous
#8 opened by MarioMalicki - 0
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Please add consult REPORTING guidelines for publication of studies, and possibly desing
#5 opened by MarioMalicki - 0
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Please recommend detailed literature search before starting to design a study
#2 opened by MarioMalicki - 0
Mention systematic reviews and meta-analyses
#1 opened by serghiou