
a module for the data pipeline for the Scaled Humanity bang team

Primary LanguagePython


a module for the data pipeline for the Scaled Humanity team

questions: slack i-gao

how bang exports data

Bang exports each batch as a long JSON file that is basically an exact transcript of the redux store. This data pipeline seeks to abstract away the parsing of that JSON data.


Usage Instructions:

  1. clone this repo
  2. install the package
  3. import in desired classes
# Install bangdatapipeline & multibatch packages
!pip install ./bangdatapipeline

from bangdatapipeline import BangDataPipeline
from multibatch import Multibatch # imports default Multibatch
from multibatch.parallelworlds import Multibatch # or whatever version you add

class 1: BangDataPipeline

The BangDataPipeline class in the bangdata.py file handles JSON retrieval and shaping. The current structure assumes that each round is followed by a mid-survey with the following kinds of questions:

  • Viability -- a set of multiple-choice questions whose numerical values we want to average.
  • Fracture -- a set of two questions, one Yes/No, one short response, that says whether a participant wants to keep their team and why.

If you want to add in analysis of other types of questions, implement a new class in a new file that inherits the base BangDataPipeline and overload functions. Import as from bangdatapipeline.FILENAME import CLASSNAME.

Because Bang does not label questions in the JSON file, the BangDataPipeline class requires that you specify what 0-index these questions fall on. For example, if my survey has 16 questions, the first 14 of which are viability questions, I'd need to specify a SETTINGS object and initialize the BangDataPipleline with those settings. By default, BangDataPipeline is initialized with a simple setting of survey length = 0.

    "VIABILITY_END": 13,
    "FRACTURE_WHY": 15,
    "LENGTH": 16
bdp = BangDataPipeline(TOKEN, SETTINGS) # TOKEN is your Bang API token

BangDataPipeline includes a set of functions to analyze a batch. Given a batch ID, BangDataPipeline will fetch the batch json and create tables respresenting viability scores, fracture results, etc. As an example, see the code block below:

# programmatically select the 5 most recent batches
fetch = bdp.fetch() # returns a df
batches = fetch[:5]['batch_id'].tolist() # select the 5 IDs you want

singleres = bdp.analyze(batches[0]) # analyze one ID 
res = bdp.analyze_all(batches) # loop and analyze all in the list

class 2: BangDataResult

You should never need to directly import this class, but you will need to interact with it. When BangDataPipeline analyzes a batch, it returns a BangDataResult class that acts as the Viewer for the individual batch's results.

Some useful fields & functions (here, res is of the BangDataResult class)

  • res.batch = batch ID
  • res.users = a list of user IDs in batch
  • res.teams = a list of team IDs
  • res.refPair1 = a tuple of the experimental rounds (expRound1 in JSON)
  • res.refPair2 = a tuple of the second experimental rounds (expRound2 in JSON)
  • res.labels = what the two experimental rounds are called
  • parse_chat() = given a JSON snippet of a chat log, formats a nice table of time-ordered chat log
  • combine() = given two tables, zips each entry to form a table where cell i,j is (A[i,j], B[i,j])
  • json() = batch's raw JSON
  • raw_df() = base df for analysis
  • team_df() = df indexed by teams with member IDs as entries
  • raw_chats() = series of chats indexed by team
  • user_df() = df indexed by user with mid-survey JSONs named by round
  • viability() = user-indexed viability df
  • fracture() = user-indexed fracture outcome df
  • manipulation() = user-indexed manipulation check answers df

class 3: Multibatch

Multibatch is an engine to aggregate multiple batch results into summary analyses on a study level. The base class is in multibatch/base.py; an example of a study-specific child implementation is in multibatch/parallelworlds.py.