
This project is intended to use free resources provided by Heroku to execute Folding@home

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


This project is intended to use free resources provided by Heroku to execute Folding@home


As Corona virus(Covid-19) becomes a global threat, Folding@home redirected all resources to help with understanding the virus and developing treatments. This project is intended to use personal "Free Dynos" on Heroku to help with CPU computing.




  • Create a Heroku app
  • Set stack type to container
  • Set buildpack to https://github.com/fionn/heroku-buildpack-nothing.git
  • Change other setting as you wish
  • Deploy code from this repo to the created app. You can
    • Manually deploy with Heroku CLI
    • Fork this repo and link it to Heroku
  • Make sure worker count is scaled to 1 with Free Dynos
  • Watch log and make sure it is working
    • It may takes some time to find available tasks since our setup can only handle small and simple work


This project is purely for my personal use and under MIT licence. If you want reuse the code/setup, be responsible.