
Access to Mesh

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, thank you for the great work and dataset!

I was wondering if we do have access to the ground truth mesh?

yes, we have them. The process/terms of accessing them is the same process/terms as accessing the dataset.

Hi Amir, is the mesh still available? I try to use the omnitools but get 0 models. Here is the command I use mesh --components taskonomy --subset debug \
  --dest ./taskonomy-debug/ \
  --connections_total 40 --agree_all
[HEADER] -------------------------------------
[HEADER] From SERVERS: (using checksum validation: False)
[HEADER] Data parameters: (what to download)
[HEADER]     Domains    = ['mesh']
[HEADER]     Components = ['taskonomy']
[HEADER]     Subset     = debug
[HEADER]     Split      = all
[HEADER] Data locations:
[HEADER]     Dataset (extracted)      = ./taskonomy-debug/
[HEADER]     Compressed files         = compressed/
[HEADER] -------------------------------------

[LICENSE] Before continuing the download, please review the terms of use for each of the following component datasets:
[LICENSE]     taskonomy:
[LICENSE]     omnidata:
[NOTICE] Confirmation supplied by option '--agree_all'

[NOTICE] Opening aria2c download daemon in background: Run 'aria2p' in another window to view status.

09/26 18:04:30 [WARN] Neither --rpc-secret nor a combination of --rpc-user and --rpc-passwd is set. This is insecure. It is extremely recommended to specify --rpc-secret with the adequate secrecy or now deprecated --rpc-user and --rpc-passwd.

09/26 18:04:30 [NOTICE] IPv4 RPC: listening on TCP port 6800
[NOTICE] Filtered down to 0 models based on specified criteria.
[NOTICE] Found 0 matching blobs on remote serverss.
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
[NOTICE] [Download complete]
[NOTICE]     Number of model files downloaded=0
[NOTICE] Recap:
[HEADER] -------------------------------------
[HEADER] From SERVERS: (using checksum validation: False)
[HEADER] Data parameters: (what to download)
[HEADER]     Domains    = ['mesh']
[HEADER]     Components = ['taskonomy']
[HEADER]     Subset     = debug
[HEADER]     Split      = all
[HEADER] Data locations:
[HEADER]     Dataset (extracted)      = ./taskonomy-debug/
[HEADER]     Compressed files         = compressed/
[HEADER] -------------------------------------