
KotlinBukkitAPI is an API for Bukkit/SpigotAPI using the cool and nifty features Kotlin has to make your life more easier.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


KotlinBukkitAPI is an API for Bukkit/SpigotAPI using the cool and nifty features Kotlin has to make your life more easier.



Name Version
Kotlin STD 1.3.31
Kotlin Reflect 1.3.31
Spigot API 1.8.8
Spigot Server 1.8-1.14
Config4Bukkit 1.0.0
Config 1.3.2
KotlinNBT 1.0.0
Kotlinx-io 0.1.7



Module Description
Core The heart of the project containing the important API
Plugins Extensions for others plugins like Vault, PlaceholderAPI and others
Server Functions that don't have in Bukkit API like title, action bar, NBT, etc..
Exposed Extensions for SQL framework Exposed

Setup for development

Unix (Linux / Mac)

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal


gradlew publishToMavenLocal




repositories {

dependencies {
  compileOnly 'br.com.devsrsouza.kotlinbukkitapi:core:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT' // core

Getting Started

First of all, you need to put KotlinBukkitAPI as a dependency on your plugin.yml

depend: [KotlinBukkitAPI]

Event DSL example

plugin.events {
  // inside of the block "events" is a Listener
  // the "event" method need to be on a Listener class
  event<PlayerJoinEvent> {
    // inside of this block is the Event type you chose, we chose PlayerJoinEvent
    player.msg(+"&3Welcome ${player.name}") // The plus sign converts the "&" prefixed characters to Minecraft's text formatting
  // you can put more than one event method inside of "events" block
  event<PlayerQuitEvent> {
    broadcast(+"&eThe player &c${player.name} &eleft :(") // broadcast method send message to other players

Simple Command DSL example

plugin.simpleCommand("twitter") {
  // in this block you have the class CommandMaker, which have the properties:
  // sender - CommandSender
  // command - Command
  // label - String
  // args - Array<String>
  sender.msg(+"&eFollow me on Twitter :D &ahttps://twitter.com/DevSrSouza")

Item meta DSL and other stuff

plugin.simpleCommand("some-name") {

  if(sender is Player) { // checking if CommandSender is a player
    val player = sender as Player
    player.vault.economy.deposit(2500.0) // you can see more about the vault api on KVault.kt
    // let's make an item with kotlin and ItemMeta DSL
    val gem = ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND).apply {
      amount = 5
      meta<ItemMeta> { // here you can put any meta type you want, like BannerMeta (if the item is a banner)
        // here is the same idea of event block but here you only que put the ItemMeta type, like BannerMeta, BookMeta
        displayName = +"&bGem"
    player.inventory.addItem(gem) // adding the item to the inventory
    // okay, now lets use the real power of meta block
    if(player.hasPermission("powerful.book")) { // here we verify if player has the permission to get our book
      val encbook = ItemStack(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK).apply {
        meta<EnchantmentStorageMeta> { // the EnchantmentStorageMeta implement ItemMeta, then we have the methods of ItemMeta and EnchantmentStorageMeta on this block
          displayName = +"&4&lThe powerful BOOK"
          addStoredEnchant(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL, 10, true) // putting sharpness 10 to the book
  } else sender.msg("Command just for players")

Menu creator DSL

// okay, let's make a Menu
// fun Plugin.menu(displayName: String, lines: Int, cancel: Boolean = false, block: Menu.() -> Unit)
val myMenu = menu(+"&cWarps", 3, true) { // cancel true to cancel player interact with inventory by default
  // this menu will be a menu with 3 lines (27 slots) and the name "Warps" in red
  // this block is a Menu

  // registering a slot
  slot(2, 4) { // Line, Slot
    // inside of this block will be a Slot
    item = ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD).apply {
      addEnchantment(Enchantment.DAMAGE_ALL, 5)

      meta<ItemMeta> {
        displayName = +"&4Arena PvP"

    onClick {
      player.teleport(Location(player.world, 250, 70, -355))
      close() // close the menu

  slot(2, 6) {
    item = ItemStack(Material.GOLD).apply {
      meta<ItemMeta> {
        displayName = +"&6Shop"
    onClick {
      player.teleport(Location(player.world, 2399, 70, -1234))
      close() // close the menu

// now we need a command to open the menu to the player
plugin.simpleCommand("warps") {
  if(sender is Player) {
    val player = sender as Player
    myMenu.openToPlayer(player) // here we open the menu to de Player

Expiration List

// this list auto expire values for you :3
val list = plugin.expirationListOf<Player>()

plugin.simpleCommand("cooldown") {
  if(sender is Player) {
    val player = sender as Player
    val time = list.missingTime(player) // this return the missing time to expire in seconds or null if don't have the value in list
    if(time == null) {
      player.msg("Hi, welcome my friend. Take this diamonds :3")
    } else {
      // add(element: E, expireTime: Int, onExpire: OnExipereBlock<E>? = null)
      list.add(player, 60) {
        player.msg("Hey, now you can get diamonds again :D")
      player.msg("Hi, wait $time seconds before using this command!")