Ansible playbook to configure your desktop with all the tools a DevOps could possibly need.
- docker
- postman
- gitKraken
- viscode
- terraform
- kops
- minikube
- kubectl
- helm
- virtualbox
- vagrant
- powershell
- pycharm, phpstorm, goland
- kvm
- chromium
- calible book reader
Also, implements a handy shell prompt that displays:
- current git branch and commit hash
- current aws assumed role
- current terraform workspace
- current python virtenv
- current nvm
- current k8s context
Optionally, if you really want to treat your servers as pets. You can push out bash profiles to the servers you manage with all your favourite aliases included:
- .basrhc aliases and settings
- .vimrc configuration
- .screenrc settings (specific to each host -todo )
How to boot strap for the first time
apt install ansible git
echo 'localhost ansible_host= ansible_connection=local' | sudo tee /etc/ansible/hosts
ansible-playbook -l localhost deploy.yml --ask-become
is included to help you setup servers that aren't configured for ansible playbooks to be deployed to.
If you want to make code changes, take advantage of pre-commit linting
git config --global "User Name" $ git config --global core.editor "vi"
git config --global
pre-commit install
pre-commit autoupdate
pre-commit run --all-files
Configures bash prompt to include
- git - branch
- Python environment - working project
- ruby environment - ruby and gem set versions
Also adjusts title bar of terminal session to correctly display host you are logged in at.
You can install git prompt manually if you have an old version of GIT
Reference Articles
$ . ./devops-bashrc
taurus:PROJECTS danny$ workon HPC-Scripts
[master= 25cfc86]
taurus:devops-workstation danny$
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
cat vscode.extensions | xargs -l1 code --install-extension