

  • Hide pets by right clicking on their entry in the Pet Scroll List and select Hide/Show. A red circle with a slash thru it will appear over the pet.
  • To hide these pets, uncheck 'show user hidden pets' in the miscellaneous filter menu.
  • Pets now show the their predicted Level 25 stats in the pet card.
  • For both breed information and level 25 stat prediction; Grey text indicates a low confidence in the prediction. Gold text indicates strong confidence
  • Pet names are colored by their rarity.
  • Shows each pets rarity in its border in the pet journal list for non wild pets.
  • Shows each pets specialization is the pet journal list as an icon showing their highest stat. Now you know at a glance if your pet is tanky, speedy, or powerful.


  • Localized to enUS, deDE, ruRU, zhTW, esMX, zhCN, frFR, koKR
  • Troubleshooting localization: If you run into trouble with any of the localizations please take a screen shot of the issue and submit a ticket. You can safely delete your local-xxXX.lua files to return to English. Where xxXX is your language code such as deDE.
  • Note: do not delete local-enUS.lua


  • Breed Identification information is now shown in the pet list, pet card and pet loadout. (Disabled in the PetJournal Enhanced options by default).
  • To learn more about pet breeds go to
  • When Breed information is enabled, additional sorting and filtering options will be available.
  • Note: The available breeds are stored and updated by LibPetBreedInfo and will not show for new pets after a patch. However a pets breed is determined accurately, even without the available breed information.


  • Sort Pets by level, alphabetical, pet type, rarity, pet specialization, Breed
  • Sort ascending or descending.

Filter pets by

  • Show user hidden pets.
  • Can Trade
  • Can't Trade
  • Can Battle
  • Can't Battle
  • Quantity Owned
  • Quality
  • Specialization (Speedy, Resilient, Powerful)
  • Zones which the pet can be obtained from
  • Ability Types
  • Breed
  • Level Range (1,2-10,11-20,21-24,25)

Please report any Lua errors, inconsistent or weird behavior by using the [](ticketing system) on the projects site.