
Python code for mavproxy

Primary LanguagePython


Python code for mavproxy

SITL Command to run at the Dorothea Dix:

Run in ArduCopter dir on your loacl machine. cd ./ardupilot/ArduCopter/

sim_vehicle.py -j4 -l 35.768701,-78.662681,96,180 --out

Replace the ip address with your pi's ip address

Fight Gear Command

Run in the autotest dir. ./arudpiolt/Tools/autotest/


Mavproxy Command for connecting the the SITL

Run on the pi

mavproxy.py --sitl=

Replace ip with your loacl computer's ip address

Mavproxy to connect to app and SITL

Run on the pi.

mavproxy.py --sitl= --out=

Same as before.

Adding MP

Run on the loacl machine.

mavproxy.py --sitl= --out= --out=

Same as before

Run Python script

python drone.py

Run Custom .elf file

make sitl   (inside of the ArduCopter folder)
sim_vehicle.py -j4 -l 35.768701,-78.662681,96,180 --out