JSON Explorer Challenge


A component to select keys from a JSON object that returns the keyʼs path

User Story

Users can connect an API and need a user-friendly solution to select values from the response.

Accepted Criteria

  • The JSON data is correctly displayed: indention, (curly) brackets, string values, number values, boolean values, arrays, objects, etc.
  • All keys can be interacted with and are highlighted (e.g. color: blue)
  • When a user clicks on a key, it shows its path and value:
    • When a user clicks on “date” it shows “res.date” and "2021-10-27T07:49:14.896Z"
    • When a user clicks on “hasError” it shows “res.hasError” and “false”
    • When a user clicks on “prop” in the first object in the fields array, it shows “res.fields[0].prop” and “iban”

Out of Scope

  • An input field that displays the correct value when given a path to the property (as seen in the video)

Demo Data

    "date": "2021-10-27T07:49:14.896Z",
    "hasError": false,
    "fields": [
            "id": "4c212130",
            "prop": "iban",
            "value": "DE81200505501265402568",
            "hasError": false


  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project directory.
  2. Run npm install to install the project dependencies.


  1. npm start to start the project