
easy install nsp lib

Primary LanguageC++


Simple Lib code to Install nsp on any nro or app

  • since Applet mode not have much memory some apps use NSP

Posible uses

  • install forwaders of NRO files
  • install apps in nsp format and update them

How to Use

  • type git clone https://github.com/StarDustCFW/nspmini
  • type make -C nspmini portlib to install has a port lib
    • to update use git -C nspmini pull & make -C nspmini portlib
      • windows C:\devkitPro\portlibs\switch
      • Linux /opt/devkitpro/portlibs/switch

On the makefile

  • add the lib LIBS += -lnsp `freetype-config --libs`

On your program code use

#include <nspmini.hpp>


//To install a single File
mini::InstallSD(std::string nsp);
//Or this to install a vector of files
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> ourTitleList={
	std::filesystem::path(std::string nsp),
	std::filesystem::path(std::string nsp2)
mini::installNspFromFile(ourTitleList, 0);// 0 is SDcard (default), 1 is BuildInUser 


//Get Title ID u64 format of latest
u64 m_tid = mini::GetTitleID();

//Get Title ID string format of latest
std::string tid = mini::GetTitleID_string();

//Get a list of all titles ids installed with nspmini
std::vector<u64> tidlist = mini::GetTitleID_vector();


#include "nspmini.hpp"
int main(){
	//Install nsp
	//to launch the installed nsp from your app use:
	unsigned long long AppTitleID =  mini::GetTitleID();
	//AppTitleID is a u64 in hex like this 0x05B9DB505ABBE000
	appletRequestLaunchApplication (AppTitleID , NULL);

To install or update Nsp files

Use has Submodule (Optional)

  • type git submodule add https://github.com/StarDustCFW/nspmini
    • to update use git submodule update --recursive --init --remote --merge on the root of your repo
  • Or just download and copy nspmini to your repo
  • Also using make release to get only includes and lib

On the makefile

  • add include INCLUDES += nspmini/include
  • add lib LIBS += -lnsp
  • add LIBDIR LIBDIRS += $(CURDIR)/nspmini
    • use make -c nspmini to build the lib
    • or use @$(MAKE) -C $(CURDIR)/nspmini/ on make file
