
Learn Cpp from Beginner to Advanced . Practice -> Code -> Repeat .

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

All Contributors


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Repo Under Construction

New suggestions have a warm welcome from our side

GitHub repo size

This repos content is mainly inspired by :

Top YT Channels to Learn C++ Github Repos Best Coding Playgrounds
Coding Ides Algorithms articlesWorth Reading Articles
1. Namespace/GFG 1. C-Plus-Plus
2. Top Algorithms for CP 2. Good Blog Post/Resources
3. Top Algorithms for CP 3. Unique BSTs
  • Note: The Introduction files may contain some turtle graphics and to implement them i recommend to download Simple Codeblocks link is given above .You can also use plugin library for same.

🛠️ Installation Steps

  1. open Terminal and clone the repo
  git clone https://github.com/Lakhankumawat/LearnCPP.git
  1. cd over
   cd LearnCPP
  1. follow along
   happy coding!

prerequisite Contributing

Please Read the following Steps before contributing.


Follow these steps
New Algorithm 'Please see if the algorithm is already present'
What to include "Your algorithm should be efficiently written with proper code / comments / time complexity / space complexity / link to gfg or any other documentation on top in code file"
Where to include Most of the algorithms are insidehereplease commit your algorithm in correct folder or discuss here before commiting for where to include
README "Please check whether your directory has a README file , if there is then edit your algorithm name with link , otherwise create new one " how your README should look like

Problem Statement

Follow these steps
New Problem Statement 'Please see if the problem is present already ? If it is do not commit your own '
What to include "Your problem statement solution should be efficiently written with proper code / comments / time complexity / space complexity / link to problem statement in code file"
Where to include Most of the Problem Statements are insidehereplease commit your problem solution in correct folder or discuss here before commiting for where to include
README "Please check whether your directory has a README file , if there is then edit your algorithm name with link , otherwise create new one " how your README should look like
Additional Context "There are three levels of problem statement" 1-Level 1 like wise 2-Level 2 & 3-Level 3 , please include your problem statement with solution in right level you prefer

Adding the STL programs will follow same approach as Algorithms


Fond of designing README this section will be helpful to you

Follow these steps
New README 'Please see if there is no README in any folder , if no ? Then please design it '
What to include "Your README should be efficiently and clearly written / link to problem statement in code file"
Where to include Inside the folder where programs are residing ,discuss here before commiting for where to include

Please contribute using GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.

Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our CODE OF CONDUCT, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Contributions to the project are most welcome, so feel free to fork and improve.

< Please Do Contribute 💗 & Star!🤩>

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people :



Nikita Sharma

🚧 🤔

Ujjwal Bansal


© LearnCPP 2022
All Rights Reserved

Developed with ❤️ in India 🇮🇳