neopixel library for stm32 l152re

Primary LanguageC++

NEOPIXEL (WS2812B) Library for arm MBED

Quick ussage Guide:

Initialize Neopixel(strip):

NEOPIXEL np(<length>, <pin>);

  • np: name of choice.
  • length: count (int) of neopixels connected to each other. If only one is connected pass 1.
  • pin: pin (PinName) on which the neopixels are connected (e.g. PA_7).

Set color of single LED:

np.setPixel(<index>, <color>);

  • np: name given on initialization.
  • index: index of LED (0: first LED, length-1: last LED)
  • color: new color (int) for the LED in GRB(Green Red Blue) HEX-Format (first byte Green, second byte Red, third byte Blue)

Set color of all LEDs:


  • np: name given on initialization.
  • color: new color (int) for the LEDs in GRB(Green Red Blue) HEX-Format (first byte Green, second byte Red, third byte Blue)

Write data to the LEDs (updates the LEDs):


  • np: name given on initialization.