
Unofficial command-line interface to the QRZ.COM website. For more information about the website, go to: https://www.qrz.com

Primary LanguageC#

About this repo

General info

This project is a "unofficial command-line interface" to the QRZ.COM website and require a personal account. For more information about the website, go to: https://www.qrz.com


  • This program require Microsoft Windows EDGE Browser (pre-installed since Windows 8.1)

Download binary files

  • You can download the binaries Here (zip) v.

Additional info

This release is a beta! It is therefore not considered "bug-free". It's based on the automation of a web browser (web scraper), is still being optimized.

When you starting the software for the first time, it is advisable to view the list of available commands by typing "cm" ENTER (You will find the list of available commands further down this page).

As you can see, commands consist of two characters and, as far as possible, are representations memory of the functions they perform.

Some commands perform only one action, others need one or more parameters, still others return data. The commands executed end up in the history (for each session) and to recover them, simply press Up Arrow when the cursor is in the command box. It is possible to move the cursor back to the command box by pressing the F2 key. With the DOWN arrow key it is possible to scroll the history forward.

ATTENTION! When using the Delete QSO ("dq") command: Before executing it, make sure that the position to be deleted matches the selected one. The location of a QSO is determined by the ordering of the Logbook. Use the "da" and "dd" commands to establish the order of the QSOs in the Logbook. (for security reasons, the "dq" command requires entering 3 parameters, all the same, corresponding to the position to be deleted.

When adding a QSO to the Logbook using the "aq" command, the system automatically adds, after the "aq" command SPACE ... the last QRZ in memory, the last frequency used and the last mode (SSB, AM, FM, etc...) as well as the current date and time in UTC format. It is possible to move between the various parameters using the TAB key to scroll right or SHIFT+TAB to scroll left.

Take a look at the list of all commands before starting.

Good Radio and excellent QSOs!

Command List

  Description                           command [param] ...
  Is Logged                             il
  Is Logged (last status)               ls
  Login                                 li [username] [password]
  LogOut                                lo
  Lookup                                lu [qrz]
  Check Worked                          cw [qrz]
  Lookup and Check Worked               lw [qrz]
  Check Worked and Lookup               wl [qrz]
  Add QSO                               aq [qrz] [freq] [mode] [date] [time] [comment]
  Edit QSO                              eq [position] [qrz] [freq] [mode] [date] [time] [comment]
  Delete QSO                            dq [position] [position] [position] (enter 3 times the same position to delete for security reasons)
  Open Logbook                          lb
  QSO Count                             qc
  Logbook pages                         lp
  Get/Set QSO for page                  qp [entries] (valid values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200)
  Get/Set current view mode             cv [mode] (mode: [raw], [text] OR [adif])
  Goto Page                             gp [page]
  Page Down                             pd
  Page Up                               pu
  Current Page                          cp
  Order Date Asc                        da
  Order Date Desc                       dd
  Get Table Contente Text               tt [page]
  Get Table Contente Raw                tr [page]
  Get Table Content XML                 tx [page]
  Get QSOs by range Text View           qt [start position] [end position]
  Get QSOs by range Text Raw            qr [start position] [end position]
  Get QSOs by range ADIF                qa [start position] [end position]
Cluster DX:
  Open Cluster DX                       dx
  Show DX on Band                       sb [band] [items] (band example: [40m] [10m] or [hf] [vhf] [uhf])
  Show DX on Freq                       sf [freq] [items] (freq example: [7155] [14200] ...)
  Search Callsign on Cluster DX         ds [callsign]
  DXSpider command                      dc [DXSpider command: http://www.dxcluster.org/main/usermanual_en-12.html]
  Send Spot                             ss [call] [freq] [comment]
  Close Cluster DX                      cc
  Clear Monitor                         cl
  Find DXCC Countries                   fc [search]
  Load Your Grid Locator                lc
  Get Grid Locator List                 gl [loc] [c or u] (example: gl [*] [c] - gl [EN70]
  Set current Frequency                 ff [freq]
  Set current QRZ                       qq [qrz]
  Switch View                           sw
  Switch Check Is Logged at startup     sc
  Switch screen (normal/fullsize)       fs
  Last data in memory                   ld
  Command List                          cm
  Shortcut List                         sl
  Quit                                  qi

Change Log


  • v.
  • Fix Add QSO (wronmg receive frequency)
  • Fix fail Edit QSO


  • *First public commit
  • *v.