The iOS release is available now at the iOS AppStore. Search for 'Todd Bruss'
The macOS Black Friday Preview is available here:
To do: These screenshots are old, will update soon.
Space-Bar is a 2D brick breaker game inspired by Air Hockey and Breakout. This game is dedicated to designers Nolan Bushnell, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and 2600 programmer Brad Stewart who created Breakout at Atari between 1976-1978.
Air Hockey was invented between 1962 and 1972 by a group of Brunswick Billiards employees. The name Air Hockey is used quite often by many manufacturers. The name is trademarked by Brunswick Billiards.
Space-Bar features original vector graphics and classic arcade sound effects.
The iOS version features a narrator with an English accent who comments on the game's progress. The macOS uses an American accent. If you somehow are able to score exactly zero points in the game, there is an Easter Egg with some unusual PG-13 dialog. AVFoundation was used for the narrator. Known issue, the voice does not work with iOS 16.0, but was fixed by Apple with iOS 16.0.3 and later.
Space-Bar is developed for iOS/iPadOS and makes use of its touch interface for the game's paddle known as the Space-Bar. The game's official AppStore release will be between Nov 21st and Dec 21st, 2022. A macOS release is planned at a later date. Game mechanics and some bugs are being working on.
Space-Bar created in 100% Swift with SpriteKit and AVFoundation. It is an original work created by Todd Bruss (c) 2019-2022. It is designed specifically for iOS touch devices. Space-Bar is not affiliated with any break out style video game.
Do you have a cool idea for a power up or level that you'd like to see in Space-Bar? Post it as an issue! Thank you. Interested in contributing? Space-Bar is open source and we always keep the very latest code in Master. If your a Swift programmer or designer, now's the time to get in the game, literally!