
:tv: Node.JS wrapper for NRK.no APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NRK APIs for Node.JS

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Node.JS wrapper for various (undocumented) API from the Norwegian Broadcast Corporation (NRK). Since NRK does not publicly document any of their APIs, this effort is by analyzing source code of various NRK.no sites, GitHub and other search engines, as well as analyzing traffic from various NRK applications.


  • Node.JS >= v4.0.0


$ npm install nrk --save


const nrk = require('nrk');


  • NRK_TV_API (default: https://tv.nrk.no)
  • NRK_TV_MOBIL (default: undefined)
  • NRK_PS_API (default: http://v8.psapi.nrk.no)


API endpoints used by https://tv.nrk.no. Some API endpoints documentation can be found here.

  • nrk.tv.autocomplete()
  • nrk.tv.programs()
  • nrk.tv.program()
  • nrk.tv.series()

TV APIs (mobile)

API endpoints used by the NRK TV app for iOS and Android.

  • nrk.tv.mobil.categories()
  • nrk.tv.mobil.programs()
  • nrk.tv.mobil.series()
  • nrk.tv.mobil.search()


NRK is a registered trademark of the Norwegian Broadcast Corporation which is not affiliated with this product. Content from NRK APIs may be copyrighted.