The project Lama-wordlist is made to gather informations on social networks and create intelligent word-lists with these informations. The informations gathered on social networks will be focus on a person who will be the target of futur brute-forcing attack.
Informations gathered about the target will be as follow: -first-name. -last-name. -birth-date. -home-town. -friends: -first-name. -last-name. -birth-date. -home-town.
These informations will be stored in a file under an appropriate format/structures.
The wordlist will be created with a mix of all the informations based on research on common passwords. Most of the passwords is created with a name of relatives plus a date behind or after the name. So Lama-wordlist will create this permutations with the date the name and the postal code.
Example: Info gathered: Martin Foo 12/02/1950 Metz Martinfoo MartinFoo Martin1950 Foo1950 Martin57 Foo57 M4rt1n57 F001950 Martin1202 1202Martin 12Martin1950 etc...