The GitOps workflow to manage Kubernetes applications at any scale (without server components).
- AchintyabhattaStreak
- ashwin-francisAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- b00gizmGeek Cell GmbH
- croissongGermany
- dimapin
- dsbengheZurich, Switzerland
- e-ran
- francishero
- gdumitrescuToronto, Canada
- hatemosphereUkraine, Kiev
- ianwalter@RocketMoney
- Kesseract@RedisLabs
- koolamusic@daccred
- MatthimatikerBonn, Germany
- mgraminDB Consultant & Researcher
- MilenkoMarkovicLisbon,Portugal
- Moezenka-
- naltunCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
- Neonox31@airbusgeo
- NonLogicalDev@uber
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- OmidZamaniFreekancing
- Osmil
- PG2000@hdisysteme
- poonaikumari kandam
- provpup
- rainerhaixcept
- rptntobias@radiology-partners
- StarpTechWunderGraph, Inc
- theodesp@wpengine
- timoyuen
- tranvanloc412
- tuxilloSpain
- yashwanth-lNortal AG
- Zebradil@trivago
- zksync-admin-bot2