Professional Portfolio Page

This is my professional portfolio website. It displays my portfolio of coding and design work, while also showcasing my skills for CSS/HTML styling, and graphic design sensibilities. There are also links to my CV and various contact methods.

Deployed page preview

Dynamic Scaling

This page scales content and the content proportion of the screen to ideally utilize the space of various screen sizes. Additionally, the navigation bar at the top will reorganize itself into an even rows when the viewport width is narrow enough that the row must wrap.

Page scaling demonstration

Particles.js Background

Utilizing Vincent Garreau's Particles.js library, a dynamic constellation background is generated for a minimally disruptive aesthetic.

Particles.js background

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • IDE to view/edit source code (e.g. Visual Studio Code).


  1. Clone repository.
  2. Open index.html in web browser.


  1. Upload index.html and assets folder to webhosting site, such as GitHub.
  2. If using GitHub, deploy via GitHub Pages.

Built With

Deployed Page


Vince Lee


License: MIT License


  • Constellation background built using Vincent Garreau's Particles.js
  • Custom font from Google Fonts.
  • Page and element scaling based largely in use of Flexbox.