
This is backend system allows users to create, store, and share their recipes. One of the critical aspects of the system is to provide a shared vocabulary that can be maintained by users.

Primary LanguagePython


This is backend system allows users to create, store, and share their recipes. One of the critical aspects of the system is to provide a shared vocabulary that can be maintained by users.

Setup process

  1. Run the docker-compose file by

    • docker-compose up --build
  2. Wait for containers to build

  3. Open (pgadmin)[localhost:5050]

    • Email: admin@admin.com
    • Password: root
  4. Create server with the following properties

    • The password of the database is recipe_manager

    • This image show pgadmin properties

    • This image show pgadmin properties

  5. When we press save button, pgadmin trigers a automatic script that creates our tables. If not copy the script from here and paste it to script tool.

  6. The end product should look like this

    • This image show pgadmin folder structure after running the create tables script run
  7. Your backend is ready to use.


There 6 services under the backend system. These are;

  1. Auth Service
  2. Comments Service
  3. Favourites Service
  4. Recipe Service
  5. Search Service
  6. Shared Vocabulary Service

You can find an example usage of each end point of each service under the postman collections directory.

  • To be able to use the API you need to create a user from auth-service by calling /signup end-point and setting email, password, name, and surname
  • Then, you need to login to the system by calling /login with email, and password in the body of the POST request
    • This, call is going to return a JSON Web Token which is valid for 48 hours. You need to add this token to each request header with the id of Authorization

Creating Recipes

  • To be able to create recipes, we first need to create a shared vocabulary item. Because, the system designed as you cannot create recipe without at least having an ingridient or cooking term.
  • To create a Shared Vocabulary item you need to either call /ingredients or /cooking-terms end-points with a POST request that has name, and description of the item you are trying to add.
    • The name should be unique, if not system won't allow you to add a new item
  • After this, you can create a new recipe by calling the end-point /recipes with a POST request that has title, description, instructions, ingridient and cooking terms ids, and optionally, cooking time in minutes and/or serving size.
    • The response will be a confirmation message and response code of 201
  • Rest of the service is strait forward