
Annual US Go Congress Website

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A maintainable web app for the U.S. Go Congress. Copyright (c) 2010-2018 American Go Association

Code Climate Dependency Status


  1. Prerequisites
    1. Linux (eg. Ubuntu 16.04+) or Mac OS 10.8+
    2. Proficiency with git and sql
    3. Read Getting Started with Rails
    4. Fork and clone this github repo
  2. Install the Ruby version specified in .ruby-version.
  3. Install PostgreSQL 9.4.4+
    1. Practice connecting using the command-line client, psql
    2. Make sure you have a role that can create tables
  4. App dependencies
    1. Install a js runtime
    2. Install ruby gems using bundler
      1. gem install bundler
      2. bundle install
      3. If a gem fails to install, it may be missing native libraries
        1. nokogiri needs libxml2 and libxslt
        2. pg needs libpq-dev
  5. App configuration
    1. Configure rails to talk to your database
      1. cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
    2. cp .env.example .env (see Configuration below)
    3. If all is well, bin/rake -T should list rake tasks
  6. Run the tests
    1. bin/rake db:setup
    2. bin/rake db:test:prepare
    3. bin/rspec will run the tests. If they all pass, you're good to go.
  7. Submit your contribution
    1. Write a spec that describes your contribution
    2. Push your changes to your fork on github
    3. Submit a pull request


ENV variables are stored in a .env file, which is git-ignored. Most of these variables don't belong in source control because they are secret. Others vary by deployment level. This file will be loaded by the dotenv gem.

For local development, cp .env.example .env to get started. For stage and production use heroku config.

Email for gocongress.org

Email for accounts in the gocongress.org domain is managed through Google Apps. steve.colburn@usgo.org has access to manage these accounts.


Special thanks to Lisa Scott, who helped invent, and tirelessly tested, the first year's site in 2011. Special thanks to Jared Beck, who provided mentoring and assistance for the 2014 site. Special thanks to Tim Hoel and Jared Beck who both provided mentoring and assistance for the 2015 site. Special thanks to Rex Cristal, for taking over maintenance of the site in 2015 and ensuring its continued development!

  • 2017: Andrew Jackson, Jared Beck, Steve Colburn, Lisa Scott, Ted Terpstra, Les Lanphear
  • 2016: Rex Cristal, Walther Chen, Sun Chun
  • 2015: Tim Hoel, Jared Beck, Andrew Jackson, Josh Larson, Steve Colburn, Rex Cristal
  • 2014: Jared Beck, Andrew Jackson, Matthew Hershberger, Chris Kirschner, Steve Colburn, Rex Cristal
  • 2013: Chris Kirschner, Judy Debel
  • 2012: Arlene Bridges, Bob Bacon, Steve Colburn
  • 2011: Lisa Scott, Alf Mikula, Brian David, Andrew Jackson, Steve Colburn