Polymer Tips


1. Data binding

Two-way data binding problems?

  • For <my-element foo={{bar}}> make sure foo is a notifying property! ➡️ notify: true

Binding to a dataset attribute not working?

  • Make sure you're using $= attribute binding! ➡️ <button data-index$=[[bar]]>

2. Is your custom element firing an event but you can't seem to listen to it from the outside?

➡️ Make sure it's bubbling!

  • this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('meow', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));

3. Made a pretty 💣 element but can't see it on the page? 🙀

➡️ Check your superclass methods!

  • call super() if you're in the constructor
  • and super.connectedCallback() for the connected callback
  • and don't forget about the tricky super.ready() too! Or nothing will happen.
