
Demo lab for PoC application client to sub/pub on Redis

Primary LanguageGo

Demo lab PoC redis

Provision local kubernetes cluster


  • Go cmd in version 1.16.x
  • Helm version 3.x

Download kind package

$ go get sigs.k8s.io/kind

Create kind cluster with configuration

$ kind create cluster --config=kind.yaml

Fetch repository bitnami

$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
$ helm repo update

Deploy redis cluster with HELM

$ kubectl create namespace cache
$ helm upgrade --namespace cache --install redev -f values/redis.yaml bitnami/redis --version 14.6.2

Basic Redis values you can change

  1. In line 20 global.redis.password: you can changed access redis with password. For empty string was mean no password to access.
  2. In line 29 nameOverride: you can rename to use in kubernetes resouce with this value
  3. In line 32 fullnameOverride: you can change HELM release name with this value
  4. In line 343 master.persistence.enabled: If you do not need to keep data in volume, you can change this value to false.
  5. In line 423 replica.replicaCount: you can incease number to scale readable node(also nodd for Read only)
  6. In line 651 replica.persistence.enabled: If you do not need to keep data in volume, you can change this value to false.

Use demo application for proof redis

  1. Use for container, you can pull images on
$ docker pull dukecyber/demo-redev:0.1.0
  1. Use app in kubernetes
$ kubectl create namespace demo
$ kubectl apply -f values/deployment.yaml --namespace demo