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RPi-household-energy-montor (aka. hh-em)

I was looking for a way to measure the current energy consumption of my household and compare it with the photovoltaic system. Basically, I'm not interested in long-term storage of the data, but rather in order to be able to spontaneously determine whether I'm currently purchasing energy from the grid or am already giving energy away to the grid operator. My Environtment: Landis Gyr+ E220 smartmeter with Tasmota script: https://gist.github.com/enra64/0f34a2f233068f901a75c320f3b87cd0

status RPi Zero without case Screen pretty Screen detail

You may get the case here: https://www.printables.com/de/model/258922


install all needed packages to prepare the software environtent of your Raspberry Pi:

enable SPI interface

sudo raspi-config

install required components

sudo apt install python3-luma.lcd python3-psutil git -y
sudo git clone https://github.com/rm-hull/luma.examples /opt/luma.examples
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Starwhooper/luma.examples/patch-1/conf/st7735_128x128_WShat.conf -O /opt/luma.examples/conf/st7735_128x128_WShat.conf

install this tool itself:

sudo git clone https://github.com/Starwhooper/RPi-hh-em-mqtt /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt
sudo chmod +x /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt/comparedisplay.py

config this tool:

sudo cp /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt/config.json.example /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt/config.json
sudo nano /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt/config.json
  • add credentials from solar inverter
  • add ip adress from solar inverter an tasmota smartmeter

add to autostart

add it to cronjob reboot

sudo crontab -e

insert line:

@reboot /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt/em.py --rotate 2 --config /opt/luma.examples/conf/st7735_128x128_WShat.conf


If you already use it, feel free to update with

cd /opt/RPi-hh-em-mqtt
sudo git pull origin main



1.44" Waveshare https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/1.44inch_LCD_HAT


STL Files: https://www.printables.com/de/model/258922-raspberry-pi-zero-with-waveschare-144-display-case