
wireshark dissector for nintendo's proprietary prudp/rmc/nex protocol stack - see https://github.com/Kinnay/NintendoClients/wiki

Primary LanguageNASL



  • Copy the nex-dissector-plugin folder to %appdata%\Wireshark\plugins (you may need to create the plugins folder). Don't copy it into the plugins folder in Program Files!
  • Create %appdata%\Wireshark\nex-keys.txt and (optionally) add your PID/password.


  • Copy the nex-dissector-plugin folder to ~/.local/lib/wireshark/plugins/ (you may need to create this folder).
  • Create ~/.config/wireshark/nex-keys.txt and (optionally) add your PID/password.

Getting your NEX PID/password

You will need to add your NEX PID and your NEX password (for your device) in nex-keys.txt in the Wireshark folder - the dissector will automatically derive the needed key from the PID/password and write it back to the file. The format is nexpid:nexpassword.


Run this homebrew application - the source code is in the get_3ds_pid_password folder in this repository. It will create a file nex-keys.txt on the root of the SD card in the correct format.

Wii U

This assumes you have a HTTP proxy set up with your Wii U. You can find your NEX PID and password in a request to https://account.nintendo.net/v1/api/provider/nex_token/@me?game_server_id=xxx. The response looks like this (formatted for clarity):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Nintendo 3DS (http)
X-Nintendo-Date: xxx
Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: xxx
Date: xxx

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

What works

  • Dissection of PRUDP v0 (3DS, WiiU friends)
  • Dissection of PRUDP v1 (Some 3DS games, most Wii U uses)
  • Automatic secure connection decryption if the connections are in the same pcap.
  • Automatic generation of dissector code from wiki, including structure definitions.
  • Data<> handling

What doesn't work

  • Dissection of PRUDP-Lite (Switch)
  • Fragment reassembly (sometimes)

Shoutouts to Kinnay's documentation at https://github.com/Kinnay/NintendoClients, it was absolutely essential to understand any of this.