
Introduction Learn more About me

📌 Junior Web Developer from Guildford UK

Website: Portfolio

GitHub Stats

🐍 Snake eating my contribution graph: 🐍

snake eating my contribution

💻 Preferable Technologies & Languages:


html5 css3 javascript react figma


csharp javascript



git postman docker Canva

About me 🤓:

An aspiring Junior Web Developer available for work on various projects in Front-end web development. I started my journey in programming by studying at Guildford College Surrey, UK, following a degree in architectural technologies. At the moment, I am completing a 3-year course in C# programming at Software University (SoftUni) online and looking for work on web development projects.

More About me
⚙️ I'm looking to collaborate on projects that will help me improve my skills.

✍️ Writing programming blogs over at 📰Medium

💡 I'm really passionate about computers and programming.

⭐️ Reading blog post about programming whenever possible.

⚡ Fun fact: I love Yoga, Cycling and Reading books.

💻 Projects:

Some of my projects (finished or unfinished) are already on my github, so feel free to take a look!

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