
Terraform module for Velero Operator

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform Kubernetes Velero


This module deploys and configures Velero inside a Kubernetes Cluster.

Security Controls

The following security controls can be met through configuration of this template:

  • TBD


module "helm_velero" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/canada-ca-terraform-modules/terraform-kubernetes-velero.git?ref=v5.2.1"

  chart_version = "2.30.2"
  depends_on = [

  helm_namespace = "velero"

  helm_repository = {
    name = "https://vmware-tanzu.github.io/helm-charts"

  cloud_provider_credentials = {
    client_id       = var.velero_azure_client_id,
    client_secret   = var.velero_azure_client_secret,
    resource_group  = var.velero_azure_resource_group,
    subscription_id = var.velero_azure_subscription_id,
    tenant_id       = var.velero_azure_tenant_id

  values = <<EOF
    repository: velero/velero
    tag: v1.9.0
    digest: sha256:97f13dd3d199e9277f57341e37cd6c80d9db65562e07eb60e1c13ff8618b4b0c
    pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    - name: velero-plugin-for-azure
      image: velero/velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure:v1.5.0
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - mountPath: /target
          name: plugins
    # Cloud provider being used (e.g. aws, azure, gcp).
    provider: azure
    # Parameters for the `default` BackupStorageLocation. See
    # https://velero.io/docs/v1.0.0/api-types/backupstoragelocation/
    - name: default
      bucket: ${var.velero_backup_storage_bucket}
        resourceGroup: ${var.velero_backup_storage_resource_group}
        storageAccount: ${var.velero_backup_storage_account}
    # Parameters for the `default` VolumeSnapshotLocation. See
    # https://velero.io/docs/v1.0.0/api-types/volumesnapshotlocation/
      # Cloud provider where volume snapshots are being taken. Usually
      # should match `configuration.provider`. Required.,
      - name: default
  # Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor for Velero metrics
      enabled: true
        release: ${module.helm_kube_prometheus_stack.helm_release}
      namespace: ${module.namespace_monitoring.name}
  # Backup schedules to create.
  # Eg:
  # schedules:
  #   mybackup:
  #     schedule: "0 0 * * *"
  #     template:
  #       ttl: "240h"
  #       includedNamespaces:
  #        - foo
  schedules: {}


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
helm >= 2.0.0


Name Version
helm >= 2.0.0
kubernetes n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
chart_version Version of the Helm chart any n/a yes
cloud_provider_credentials Azure Credentials required to access the storage account
client_id = string
client_secret = string
resource_group = string
subscription_id = string
tenant_id = string
n/a yes
helm_namespace The namespace Helm will install the chart under any n/a yes
helm_repository The repository where the Helm chart is stored
name = string
username = optional(string, "")
password = optional(string, "")
n/a yes
enable_prometheusrules Adds PrometheusRules for velero alerts bool true no
values Values to be passed to the Helm Chart string "" no


Name Description
helm_namespace n/a


Date Release Change
2019-09-09 20190909.1 1st release
2020-05-05 20200505.1 Updates for Velero 1.3.x
2020-06-22 v2.0.0 Module now modified for Helm 3
2020-10-13 v2.0.1 Add the ability to specify a username and password
2020-10-13 v3.0.0 Remove prefix for velero subchart due to moving to upstream chart
2020-12-09 v3.1.0 Add Service and ServiceMonitor for Prometheus Operator monitoring
2021-03-01 v3.1.1 Refactor for plan noise from ServiceMonitor and deprecated syntax
2021-04-12 v3.2.0 Add servicemonitor_labels variable
2021-12-15 v4.0.0 Convert ServiceMonitor to kubernetes_manifest and update for Terraform v1
2022-08-04 v5.0.0 Remove Prometheus Operator monitoring, now available through the chart
2023-01-05 v5.1.0 Added Velero rules from kube-prometheus-stack
2023-01-09 v5.2.0 Add runbook links to Prometheus rules
2023-02-03 v5.2.1 Specify sensitive variables
2023-04-12 v5.3.0 In Velero rules that use aggregation, group by cluster as well.
2023-04-12 v6.0.0 Remove Backup Storage Location variables and consolidate cloud provider credential & helm repository variables into cloud_provider_credentials & helm_repository respectively.


From v4.x to v5.x

If using the Prometheus Operator to monitor Velero metrics:

  1. Ensure that chart-version is at or above 2.14.4
  2. Remove the Terraform variables enable_monitoring, monitoring_namespace, servicemonitor_labels, and metrics_port
  3. Refer to the Velero Helm chart values in the usage example for the ServiceMonitor configuration.
    • The metrics Service is enabled by default. It can be explicitly disabled by setting metrics.enabled to false
    • The usage example places the ServiceMonitor into the same namespace as the Prometheus Operator. A different namespace can be specified, or no namespace can be specified defaulting to placement in the same namespace as Velero. In those cases, the Prometheus Operator may need to be configured to pick up ServiceMonitors from namespaces other than its own.

From v3.x to v4.x

  1. Note that in Usage the dependencies array has been replaced by the depends_on array.
  2. If you have enabled and will continue to enable monitoring, a manual step is required for the Velero ServiceMonitor.
    • If a brief interruption in Velero metrics is acceptable, delete the ServiceMonitor prior to the upgrade. It will be recreated during the upgrade process.
    • Otherwise, import the ServiceMonitor into Terraform: terraform import module.helm_velero.kubernetes_manifest.velero_servicemonitor[0] "apiVersion=monitoring.coreos.com/v1,kind=ServiceMonitor,namespace=monitoring,name=velero-monitor"
      • If your monitoring namespace is not called monitoring, use the actual monitoring namespace name after namespace=