Tools for The Book of Statistical Proofs
To configure everything, proceed as follows:
- clone the repositories and StatProofBookTools to your local machine;
- replace the first line of
by the path to your local repository; - run any of the Python scripts (ending on
) in your local StatProofBookTools repository.
In more details, the tools allow you to:
: write all StatProofBook content into a LaTeX source file that results in a PDF of the book;
: take definition written in LaTeX and transform it into a StatProofBook entry written in Markdown;
: take a proof written in LaTeX and transform it into a StatProofBook entry written in Markdown;
: create a list of dead links, i.e. a list of pages which are referenced but non-existing;
: display a list of conflicts, i.e. mismatches between table of contents and proofs/definitions;
: replace an arbitrary string with another predefined string in all proofs and definitions;
: display some stats regarding content, development, proofs and definitions;
: create a nested dictionary that can be used for interactive visualization;
: generate a list of random proofs for tweeting from the StatProofBook Twitter profile;
: generate a text for tweeting a new proof from the StatProofBook Twitter profile.