Locks cursor to specified window and/or converts windows to borderless fullscreen, and prevents the cursor from spilling into another monitor
- a-roussos
- alehpaj
- bubbi7中国
- CoderPM2011
- Coffee-cup-EU
- coolxvDalian, China
- gamingrobotUnited States
- GirkovArpaBrussel Sprouts, Belgium
- graceyudhaaaUniversitas Negeri Semarang
- hobokenn
- JamTarty
- JetBamboonull
- jetwong88Jetit
- jfosterSomerset, United Kingdom
- jsonwu5ChangSha
- KC-Casey
- LiJingqing
- LinArcXFrance
- MisterX2000Germany
- Navasesh
- Outlying3720
- p-rintzGermany
- pairofdocsIL, USA
- qzdnRussia
- sheldonhull@DelineaXPM
- Sweeet
- sydneverGreatOpensource@Beijing
- TemoaChina
- treecatwo
- trevorm4Meta
- wonderzdh
- woodgreat
- xia0227
- zcvonly
- ZerglingV
- zz129869523Taiwan