

  1. Create a new empty git repo
    mkdir my-project
    cd my-project
    git init .
  2. Install the template (Copy this into git bash).
    git remote add template https://github.com/StatelessStudio/typescript-template-library/ && git pull template master --allow-unrelated-histories && git remote remove template
  3. Replace "typescript-template-library" with the name of your library project-wide (No Spaces or special characters except dash!)
  4. npm i
  5. Update the documentation, changelog, etc

Pulling updates from typescript-template-library

  1. Run the install command in the installation instructions
  2. Resolve merge conflicts
  3. Test!


Run a dev test with npm start.

Here's a rundown of where to put your code, see each file for more information:

  • script/example.ts: Create an example application that uses your library
  • src/environment.ts: Setup environment variables here
  • src/index.ts: You don't typically need to edit this file, it just initializes and starts your app.

Running Tests

To run unit tests, npm run test


You can write custom scripts in the script/ directory. See script/example.ts as an example. You should also register your scripts in package.json:

	"scripts": {
		"admin:example": "ts-node script/example"

Run your script with npm run admin:example


Debug Builds

To compile a debug build, run npm run build:dev. The build output will appear in the ./dist folder.

Prod Builds

To compile a production build, run npm run build:prod. The build output will appear in the ./dist folder.

Clean Builds

To generate a clean build (removes old artifacts and reruns pre&post process scripts), append :clean to a build script:

  • Debug: npm run build:dev:clean
  • Release: npm run build:prod:clean


Generating Docs

npm run doc and browse docs/index.html!

Environment Variables

See src/environment.ts to see how to use this project's environment variables. Configure an environment in .env or with process.env (https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v16.x/docs/api/process.html#processenv).