
Little Python script used to create a folder with a photoshop file and an image based on the jpgs in a specific folder. For personal use

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • First add the action file (Flyers.atn) to Photoshop. Do this by going to Window > Actions (Or hiting Option + F9) and on the window that pops up, click on the 3 lines on the top right corner, and "Load Actions".
  • Go into the edit_PS.jsx file and change the variable default_path to the path of the the directory with your project as well.
  • Make sure the template that you are using has a picture layer that will be getting replaced that is named Main-Pic and the text layer named Name
  • open up a terminal and run ./setup.py
  • (Optional) Go into the flyers.py file and change the variable default_path to the path of the the directory with your project. Done

How to Use

  1. Add all your jpegs into your directory
  2. Run ./flyers.py
  3. A window will pop up. Since we configured the default path in the setup step you can press cancel, or navigate to the directory and selected. You can also just run ./flyers.py -f which will use the default directory straight away.
  4. A photoshop alert will pop up. Press ok
  5. Move the picture around like normal, and press the tick to confirm changes