
Testing tool for cmput415.

Primary LanguageC++

CMPUT 415 Testing Utility

This tool is meant to be a generic utility for testing solutions to CMPUT 415's assignments. It can test multiple solutions with multiple toolchains against a multitude of tests.

  1. Usage
    1. Running
    2. Configuration
      1. Preparing Tests
      2. Preparing a Configuration File
    3. Building
      1. Linux
      2. MacOS



Much of the setup is done in the configuration file, so the command line is quite simple. All that's required to run is the configuration file:

tester [options] <path_to_config_file>

Currently there are a few options available.

  • -q, --quiet: Quiet mode, don't print diffs, only shows failures/ successes
  • --summary <path_to_file>: Writes the final summary to the file rather than stdout

If you forget this, you can always use -h or --help to see info.


The configuration file drives the testing process by specifying which executables to test, how to run a test, and what files to test with. Currently, the testing process consists of three steps. These steps will be explained in greater detail shortly:

  • Select an input file from the list.
  • Pass the input file through the toolchain to produce an output file.
  • Diff the output file with the expected output file that was paired with the input file.

Preparing Tests

A test consists of at least two files: the first is the input and the other is the expected output. They should be named identically except that their extensions should be .in and .out (e.g. example.in and example.out). A third file can be included: an input stream with extension .ins (e.g. example.ins). This file becomes stdin to automate tests that make use of input. Because the tool is meant to test multiple student's solutions, a directory tree has been devised to keep these files separate.

+-- tests
    +-- input
    |   +-- packagename
    |   |   +-- subpackagename1
    |   |   |   +-- input1.in
    |   |   |   +-- ...
    |   |   +-- subpackagename2
    |   |   |   +-- ...
    |   |   +-- inputx.in
    |   +-- ...
    +-- output
    |   +-- packagename
    |   |   +-- subpackagename1
    |   |   |   +-- input1.out
    |   |   |   +-- ...
    |   |   +-- subpackagename2
    |   |   |   +-- ...
    |   |   +-- inputx.in
    |   +-- ...
    +-- inStream
        +-- packagename
        |   +-- subpackagename1
        |   |   +-- input1.ins
        |   |   +-- ...
        |   +-- subpackagename2
        |   |   +-- ...
        |   +-- inputx.ins
        +-- ...

The input, output, and inStream directories don't need to be together, but it is generally a good idea to have a folder containing these three folders. Inside input, output, and inStream there will be only test package folders. Packages should be used for student IDs or group IDs. Inside the input folder you should place files with the extension .in; likewise, files with the extension .out go in the output directory and files with the extension .ins go in the input stream directory. You can further choose to subdivide files into subpackages for your own organisation, but successes and failures, while shown for each subpackage, will be attributed to the overall package.

Note that note every test requires an input stream. You only need to create a .in and .out file for this test and do not need to include an empty .ins file.

For example, my CCID is braedy. This is a theoretical directory tree for my data tests:

+-- tests
    +-- input
    |   +-- braedy
    |       +-- data
    |           +-- basic
    |           |   +-- declarations.in
    |           |   +-- definitions.in
    |           +-- advanced
    |               +-- expressions.in
    +-- output
    |   +-- braedy
    |       +-- data
    |           +-- basic
    |           |   +-- declarations.out
    |           |   +-- definitions.out
    |           +-- advanced
    |              +-- expressions.out
    +-- inStream
        +-- braedy
            +-- data
                +-- advanced
                    +-- expressions.ins

Preparing a Configuration File

The configuration file is a JSON file with a specific format.

  "inDir": "<path_to_input>",
  "outDir": "<path_to_output>",
  "inStrDir": "<path_to_input_streams>",
  "testedExecutablePaths": {
    "ccid_or_groupid": "<path_to_executable>"
  "runtimes": {
    "ccid_or_groupid": "<path_to_SHARED_library>"
  "toolchains": {
    "toolchain_name": [
        "stepName": "step 1",
        "executablePath": "<path_to_executable>",
        "arguments": [
        "outputName": "<file_name_for_intermediate_output>",
        "usesRuntime": true,
        "usesInStr": true

The above format can look a bit intimidating, but once broken down it makes much more sense.

The three top level properties inDir, outDir, and inStrDir point to the input, output, and input stream directories containing your test files. If none of your tests use stdin then inStrDir is not required.

The testedExecutablePaths property is a named list of executable paths that should be tested using the toolchains and tests. If you're testing your own solution there should only be one entry in this list: your own solution. Make sure ccid_or_groupid matches your test package name: this is used to match your solution with your tests. You need to be able to pass all of your own tests!

The runtimes property is a named list of shared libraries that can be loaded before a command is executed. This is useful to load a runtime library into lli. This property is not required.

The toolchains property is a named list of toolchains. A toolchain defines how to take an input file and turn it into the expected output file, assuming the solution works. Some assignments need only one toolchain (e.g. an interpreter) while others need more (e.g. interpreter, arm, mips, x86).

A toolchain is a list of steps where the output of the previous step is used to fuel the current step.

  • stepName is the name of the step. Give it something useful like generator or arm-gcc.
  • executablePath is the path to the executable to run for this step. The magic variable $EXE can be used here to signify that you want the tested executable or $INPUT can be used to try to run the output of the previous step as an executable. More commonly, using the absolute path (e.g. /usr/bin/tail) to a program's executable should be here.
  • arguments is the list of arguments to pass to the specified executable. Any text argument can be used here and it will be passed as-is when the command is run. Additionally, the magic variables $INPUT and $OUTPUT will be automatically resolved to the input and output files of this step
  • outputName is the name of the output produced by this step. This will be used to replace $OUTPUT in arguments or to find the output file if you are unable to name output from a step. If "outputName": "-" is used then stdout will be captured as output and saved into a temporary file to be passed to the next step.
  • usesRuntime is a boolean that, if true, tells the tester to preload the runtime library associated with the current executable name. If this option is missing or false then the runtime will not be loaded.
  • usesInStr is a boolean that, if true, tells the tester to replace stdin with the file stream associated with the matching file in the directory at inStrDir. If the option is missing or false then stdin will not be replaced in this step.

For the first step, $INPUT will be resolved to the .in file. For the final step $OUTPUT will be compared against the expected output to determine success.

An example setup for running the SCalc mips toolchain with my solution:

  "inDir": "/home/braedy/scalc/tests/input/",
  "outDir": "/home/braedy/scalc/tests/output/",
  "testedExecutablePaths": {
    "braedy": "/home/braedy/scalc/bin/scalc"
  "toolchains": {
    "mips": [
        "stepName": "scalc-MIPS",
        "executablePath": "$EXE",
        "arguments": [
        "output": "mipsOut.s"
        "stepName": "spim",
        "executablePath": "/usr/bin/spim",
        "arguments": [
        "output": "-"
        "stepName": "tail",
        "executablePath": "/usr/bin/tail",
        "arguments": [
          "-n +6",
        "output": "-"


The tool makes use of the filesystem library that was merged into C++17 but has been experimental since C++11. Since the tool is built using the C++11 standard it is necessary to have the experimental headers available. On Linux they are readily available but MacOS does not provide them by with the default library headers. While it is possible to build libc++ and link it manually, building on MacOS can be achieved much more easily by installing GCC through brew and using that to compile.


cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/cmput415/Tester.git
cd Tester
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Now, to have the tool available to your command line, add the following lines to the end of ~/.bashrc.

# C415 Testing Utility
export PATH="$HOME/Tester/bin/:$PATH"


At the time of writing this, GCC 8.1.0 was installed by brew install gcc, so gcc-8 and g++-8 were available.

brew install gcc
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/cmput415/Tester.git
cd Tester
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="g++-8" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="gcc-8"

Now, to have the tool available to your command line, add the following lines to the end of ~/.bash_profile.

# C415 Testing Utility
export PATH="$HOME/Tester/bin/:$PATH"