
Primary LanguageRust

What is this?

cda is a shell utility which stands for "Change Directory to Ancestor".

Why do you need this?

Do you see yourself doing cd .. way too many times? Or even worse, doing cd ../../../../../../../.. and making a guess that the directory you end up at is "close enough"? If yes, then this tool is for you.

And before you say "just organize your directories in a more meaningful way!", sometimes I end up working with multiple parallel directory trees (which loosely mirror each other), for whatever reason.

What does it do?

cda <ANCESTOR> cds you to the closest ancestor.

Eg: CWD: /home/jshelly/my-repos/my-project/workspace1/module1/component3/feature

$ cda my-project
$ pwd

Similarly, I could've gone with any substring of "my-project" as well!

$ cda proj
$ pwd

If multiple ancestors exist with the same name, then it takes you to the closest one. Otherwise, you can specify which occurrence of ancestor you wanna go to.

Eg: CWD: /home/jshelly/playground/dir/playground/dir

$ cda playground 2 #Second arg is occurence. By default, it is 1.
$ pwd

NOTE: The CWD is not considered its own ancestor.

By default, the search happens from closest to furthest ancestor (right to left). You can reverse that by using the -r flag.


  1. cargo install cda
  2. Add this to the end of your shell config (.zshrc, .bashrc, etc)
cda() {
    path_or_error=$(cda-bin "$@")
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then   # Path
        cd $path_or_error
    else                    # Err
        echo $path_or_error