
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


TODO: Description

Table of Contents


  • Command line interface
  • Should be cross-platform. Currently only tested on Windows 8.1
  • Built-in support for the following file formats:
    • wav
    • aiff
    • au
    • midi
    • mp3
    • ogg


Usage: songj [options] File...
  FILE is a space-separated list of one or more audio files to try playing, 
  and can also include directories through which to traverse for audio files.
    -d, --traverse
      Traverse through any directory arguments for additional audio files to play.
      Default: false
    --max_depth <value>
      Maximum number of directory levels to search.
      Default: 2147483647
      Enables colored output
      Default: false
      Whether to only display the final play queue, and not attempt to play anything.
      Default: false
    -h, --help
      Displays this help message

Usage Examples

TODO: Provide examples

Adding support for additional file formats

To add a new player class:

  1. The new class must extend either AbstractAudioPlayer or SpecializedAudioPlayer as applicable and implement any required methods.
  2. The new class must include a static block which makes a call to PlayerTypeMap.insert() The first parameter of this call is to be an instance of the new class. The second parameter is a Set<String> of the mime content-types the class supports.
  3. A key-value pair for the new class must be added to the playerHandlers.properties file. The key can be anything as long as it's unique, but the value must be the fully qualified name of the new class.

Here is an example of a new audio player class

public class MyAudioPlayerClass extends AbstractAudioPlayer {

    protected static final Set<String> supportedTypes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("TYPE1", "TYPE2"));

	public Set<String> getSupportedTypes() { return supportedTypes;}

	static { PlayerTypeMap.insert(new MyAudioPlayerClass(), supportedTypes);}

	public MyAudioPlayerClass() {}

	public void playFile(File file) throws UnsupportedAudioFileException {
            /* Implementation */


  • Test on more platforms

  • Finish README

    • Add project description
    • Provide example usages
  • Releases

  • Fix file globbing

  • Fix inconsistencies with milliseconds

  • Fix get and remove methods in PlayerTypeMap

  • ArgManager should complain about unknown options

  • Find out if VorbisAudioPlayer will also properly handle flac, theora, speex, and opus files

  • Test playback and quality of aifc, 8svx, MThd, MTrk, and anything else that .aiff, .au, and .mid can be

  • Document VorbisAudioPlayer, Mp3AudioPlayer, PlayerTypeMap

  • Document FileUtils.magicTest

  • Switch BasicAudioPlayer from using Clip to using DataLine

  • Set program description value in SongJ.java

  • Use listConverter for main parameter in CLIArguments

  • Implement validation for --maxDepth parameter

  • Add support for shuffling the queue using Collections.shuffle

  • Provide bash completion

  • See if its feasible to provide a means of converting an arbitrary audio file to a (roughly) equivalent midi file*/

  • Implement play, pause, next, and previous file navigation


This project is licensed under the MIT License.