
💾 Minimal library to upload files on Filebase S3 API. Partially based on AWS SDK v3.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Minimal library to upload files on Filebase S3 API. Partially based on AWS SDK v3.


pnpm i @stauro/filebase-upload


First, you need to set up a token. A token is a base64 encoded pair of the access key and access secret.

You can generate a token like this:

echo "accessKey:accessSecret" | base64

and save it to a .env file or somewhere else.

The default apiUrl is s3.filebase.com. To change, pass in the url to the apiUrl arg.


import { createPresignedUrl } from '@stauro/filebase-upload'

const file = new File(['Hello world'], 'hello.txt')

const url = await createPresignedUrl({
  bucketName: `example-${crypto.randomUUID()}`,
  token: process.env.FILEBASE_TOKEN,

await fetch(decodeURIComponent(url), { method: 'PUT', body: file })

And then run as:

node --env-file=.env main.js


import { createPresignedUrl } from 'https://deno.land/x/filebase_upload/mod.ts'
import { load } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.207.0/dotenv/mod.ts'

const env = await load()

const file = new File(['Hello world'], 'hello.txt')

const url = await createPresignedUrl({
  bucketName: `example-${crypto.randomUUID()}`,
  token: env.FILEBASE_TOKEN,

await fetch(decodeURIComponent(url), { method: 'PUT', body: file })

And then run as:

deno --allow-read --allow-net mod.ts



Upload a CAR file using createPresignedUrl. Returns a response object.

import { uploadCar } from './mod.ts'
import { load } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.207.0/dotenv/mod.ts'
import { CAREncoderStream, createFileEncoderStream } from 'https://esm.sh/ipfs-car@1.0.0'
import { CID } from 'https://esm.sh/multiformats@12.1.3/cid'

const env = await load()

const init = {
  bucketName: `filebase-upload-tests`,
  token: env.FILEBASE_TOKEN,

const placeholderCID = CID.parse('bafybeigdyrzt5sfp7udm7hu76uh7y26nf3efuylqabf3oclgtqy55fbzdi')

const stream = createFileEncoderStream(new Blob(['Hello ipfs-car!']))
    new TransformStream(),
  .pipeThrough(new CAREncoderStream([placeholderCID]))

const blob = await new Response(stream).blob()

const file = new File([blob], 'file.car')

const res = await uploadCar({ ...init, file })



Creates a presigned URL for file upload. All options except apiUrl and metadata are required.

Passing a metadata object converts to a header object with x-amz-meta-<key>.


Retrieves an object from Filebase S3 API and returns a response object.

You can also retrieve the file CID from headers.

import { getObject } from 'https://deno.land/x/filebase_upload/mod.ts'

const res = await getObject({
  bucketName: `example-${crypto.randomUUID()}`,
  token: env.FILEBASE_TOKEN,
  filename: 'hello.txt',

console.log(`${res.headers.get('x-amz-meta-cid')}:`, await res.text())


Checks if the file has been uploaded. Returns a boolean and a CID of the file (if uploaded).

import { headObject } from 'https://deno.land/x/filebase_upload/mod.ts'

const [isUploaded, cid] = await headObject({
  bucketName: `example-${crypto.randomUUID()}`,
  token: env.FILEBASE_TOKEN,
  filename: 'hello.txt',

console.log(`is uploaded? ${isUploaded ? 'yes' : 'no'}`)