Stavrospanakakis's Following
- ApoPsallas@GlobalWebIndex
- billzagoras
- bradfitzTailscale
- cfahlgren1Hugging Face
- docker-athensGreece
- dranger003Canada
- fakiolinho
- ggerganov@ggml-org
- gmargaritis@withlogicco
- HelloWorld-PCAthens, Greece
- huggingfaceNYC + Paris
- IreneKV
- Jeelex
- JohannesGaesslerKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
- julien-c@huggingface
- Kludex@encode @pydantic
- kostaspt@clerk
- marcosnils@dagger
- megha95Databricks
- nickjjNew York
- nickkoukasHelloWorld PC
- OlivierDehaene@huggingface
- phaistonian@TheBestCo
- phymbertBNP Paribas
- rakyllGoogle
- raptisj@clerkinc
- rscGoogle
- runtheorun-exeIonian University
- shykesSan Francisco, CA
- skorokithakisStochastic Technologies Ltd.
- StamatisDeliHelloWorld PC
- thaJeztahthaJeztah
- ThePrimeagenCEO Of TheStartup
- tiangoloBerlin, Germany
- tpaschalis@grafana
- xn3cr0nx@toggl