
Library containing various custom controls for WPF.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Bower Nuget


Api reference



This library is an MIT-licensed OSS library that includes features that
the author felt were missing from the standard WPF functionality.

Specifically, it includes the following features

  • Custom controls
  • Unique animation effect mechanism
  • Attached behaviors to extend existing controls
  • Value converters
  • MarkupExtensions
  • ViewServices

Explanation of the two assemblies

Nuget : NuGet Gallery | EnkuToolkit.Wpf
Nuget : NuGet Gallery | EnkuToolkit.UiIndependent

This library consists of two assemblies:
EnkuToolkit.Wpf, which depends on the WPF assembly, and EnkuToolkit.UiIndependent,
which can be called from ViewModel and does not depend on the WPF assembly.

When installing from Nuget, please note the following

If you want to manage View and ViewModel in the same project,
install only EnkuToolkit.Wpf from Nuget because EnkuToolkit.Wpf
depends on EnkuToolkit.UiIndependent.

If you want to manage View and ViewModel in different projects,
install EnkuToolkit.Wpf in the project for View and EnkuToolkit.UiIndependent
in the project for ViewModel.

To call classes in this library from xaml

To access the classes of this library from xaml, use the following xml namespace.
