
A simplified wrapper for working with HD wallets

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


The stealth-key-tool package is a high level wrapper around some of the most critical functionality needed for heirarchical deterministic (HD) wallets. The primary goal of this package is to provide a simple means to derive private keys, addresses, and other essential information from HD mnemonics (typically 12, 18, or 24 word secret phrases).

Key Functionalities

  • Address derivation from any secret phrase for any coin according to BIP44.
  • Public and private key derivation, suitable for import (e.g. WIF).
  • New: Secret phrase generation and validation according to BIP39.
  • Minimal dependencies and open source for better security.

Example Use Case

You had your favorite coin on a hardware wallet, but it stopped being supported, you need the private key to import into a mobile wallet without compromising the rest of your coins on your hardware wallet.

Solution: just use stealth-key-tool on a secure, air-gapped machine and exctract your key.


The stealth-key-tool relies on the ecdsa package, the pycryptodome package, and is subject to security considerations therein. Please see especially the advice here.

README Overview

This README is divided into three parts. The first part covers the basics of HD wallets necessary to use this package. The second part describes the use of the stealth-key-tool.py utility. Finally, the third part explains the stealth_key_tool API (notice dashes versus underscores in the names of the utility and package).

HD Wallet Basics

In general this README assumes that the reader is either (a) an expert in HD wallets, or (b) doesn't care how they work and is getting help from and expert. For the latter type of user: please remember to NEVER SHARE your mnemonic with anyone.

That said, any user of the stealth-key-tool.py utility must have a rudimentary understanding of a couple of HD wallet basics. First, HD wallets are created from a mnemonic. This mnemonic can be used to derive practically unlimited addresses, each of which belongs an account, and can either be a change address or a public address, which is known in HD wallet parlance as an "external address".

Any address in the heirarchy of an HD wallet is expressed as a so-called "path" or "chain". The conceptually "first" address of an HD wallet has the following path:


In this path, the apostrophes (') have meanings that are beyond the scope of this README. For our purposes, the user is advised to simply ignore them, although they will be included in this discussion to ensure technical precision. The leftmost m amounts to a visual cue that indicates the start of the path. The 44' never changes. The 125' indicates the coin is XST (this is the stealth-key-tool, after all). Each coin will have a different number in this position. For example, instead of 125', BTC uses 0' here.

When limited to a single coin (like XST), the part of the path that changes for the user are the last three elements, separated by forward slashes (/). Here, this part of the path is:


In this part, the leftmost zero (0') indicates the account. Numbering starts at 0, so this is the "first" account. The middle zero indicates that this is an external address intended to be shared with others, as when withdrawing from an exchange. This middle number is limited to 0 or 1, the latter of which indicates it is a "change" address, termed an "internal" address. The rightmost 0 is the address identifier, typically called the "address index".

Any change to the path gives a new and completely unpredictable address.

Although crude, the following ASCII-art hopes to illustrate the heirarchical nature of HD wallets by showing the relationship of several paths, each represented only by its last three identifiers (account/change/address).

 -> 0'/0/0 -> 0'/0/1 -> 0'/0/2
|   \
|    -> 0'/1/0 -> 0'/1/1 -> 0'/1/2
 -> 1'/0/0 -> 1'/0/1 -> 1'/0/2
     -> 1'/1/0 -> 1'/1/1 -> 1'/1/2

It is important to highlight that each path in this heirarchy corresponds to a unique address, completely unpredictable given knowledge of the other addresses in the heirarchy.

For further understanding of HD wallets, a good place to start is with Ledger's excellent writeup. For even deeper inquiry, the user is encouraged to read and understand BIP-0032, BIP-0039, and BIP-0044.


The stealth-key-tool.py utility is a command line (CLI) driven application that takes a mnemonic as user input and derives cryptographic keypairs that are then used to generate information, using simple commands.

Preliminary Advice

WARNING: Never share any of the follwing:

  • Your mnemonic (aka "secret phrase", aka "seed phrase")
  • The extended private key (from the xprv command )
  • The hex private key (from the prv command)
  • The WIF private key (from the wif command)

Furthermore, one should be exceedingly careful about sharing an account's extended public key (from the xpub command).

If you have any doubts whether you should share the extended public key, then don't share it.


When starting up, you will be prompted for the mnemonic (called the "secret phrase" in the utility). By default, this input will be hidden. To see what you type when you enter the mnemonic, hit enter before typing the mnemonic, and you will be prompted again, this time with the ability to see the text.

Please note that he mnemonic is not verified in any way.

Command Input

After the user enters the mnemonic, the utility goes into the "command loop", which is just a basic user interface where the user types simple commands to alter the heirarchy (also called a "path", or "chain"), or to output desired information.

Command Summaries

User Requested Output Commands

  • gp : prints the current HD path
  • addr : prints the address for the current HD path
  • xpub : prints the account's extended public key
  • xprv : prints the account's extended private key (NEVER SHARE)
  • pub : prints the address's compressed public key
  • prv : prints the address's private key (NEVER SHARE)
  • upub : prints the address's uncompressed public key
  • wif : prints the account's private key in WIF format (NEVER SHARE)

Path Selection Commands

  • sc : sets the coin identifier
  • sa : sets the account identifier
  • ++a : increments the account index by 1
  • --a : decrements the account index by 1
  • ext : un-sets the change specifier to external (non-change) addresses
  • int : sets the change specifier to internal (change) addresses
  • si : sets the address index
  • ++i : increments the address index
  • --i : decrements the address index
  • sp : sets the path using the last three elements (account/change/address)

Coin Parameter Commands

  • sanb : sets the network byte used to create addresses
  • swnb : sets the network byte used to create wif strings
  • xst : sets the coin parameters to those for XST
  • btc : sets the coin parameters to those for BTC
  • eth : sets the coin parameters to those for ETH
  • ltc : sets the coin parameters to those for LTC
  • doge : sets the coin parameters to those for DOGE
  • ftc : sets the coin parameters to those for FTC
  • vtc : sets the coin parameters to those for VTC

BIP39 Commands

  • mwp : makes a new word phrase compliant with BIP39 (English only)
  • vwp : validates a BIP39 compliant word phrase (English only)

App Control Commands

  • h : prints list of commands
  • q : quits the utility


Several commands take arguments that may be entered on the same line as the command itself. These commands start with an "s": sa, si, and sp. The following input shows an example of how to set the path with sp:

sp 5'/1/4

Given the default purpose, and XST as the currency, this command sets the path to:


The two BIP39 commands (mwp and vwp) also take arguments. The following shows how to make a 24 word phrase:

mwp 24

The following shows validation of a 12 word phrase:

vwp mansion breeze nerve urban rare pluck apart earth truth truly wood high

User requested output

Several commands will produce user requested output. In these cases, the output will be written to standard out, meaning that if the output from the utility is re-directed to a file, for example, highly sensitive information could be leaked. Sensitive commands in this category are: xprv, prv and wif. Please be careful with these commands.

Other commands that produce user requested output are addr, gp, xpub, pub, mwp, and vwp.

For further discussion of the importance of user requested output, please see the section titled "Scripting".

Increment and Decrement

Several commands simply increment and decrement identifiers. These are included for convenience and ease to type. An example where this might be useful is if a user wants to generate a handful of unique addresses but doesn't have the time or patience to write a script. These commands are ++a, --a, ++i, and --i.


To make the stealth-key-tool.py useful in a workflow, it features the -S and -N flags that allows use in semi-interactive and non-interactive modes, respectively. These modes allow for scripting of the utility using shell scripts.

Semi-interactive mode

In semi-interactive mode (-S), the utility will prompt for the mnemonic, allowing the user to manually enter it into the command line. Once entered, the mnemonic is written to stderr so that it may be checked. Afterwards, only user requested output is produced. Semi-interactive mode allows scripting without the need to save the mnemonic to a plain text file (i.e. the script). WARNING: be careful not to save to a file or share the output of stderr in semi-interactive mode.

Non-interactive mode

In non-interactive mode (-N), no option is given to the user to hide the mnemonic upon entry and only user requested output is produced. In this case, the mnemonic would need to be included in the script.

For scripting, semi-interactive mode (-S) is recommended if possible.

Example bash script

As an example, here is a shell script that prints the first four change addresses of the fifth account (account number 4) for the mnemonic some random words, using semi-interactive mode:

#! /usr/bin/env bash
CR=$'\n'  # new line must end every command
INPUT="sa ${ACCOUNT} ${CR}"  # set account
INPUT+="int ${CR}"           # make change addresses
for i in {0..3}
  INPUT+="si ${i} ${CR}"     # set the address index
  INPUT+="addr ${CR}"        # output the address
stealth-key-tool.py -S <<< "${INPUT}"

Given the mnemonic some random words, the output of this script would be


This script is called "semi-interactive.bash" and is found in the "examples" directory of the source distribution. A script with nearly identical functionality that runs in non-interactive mode is also in the "examples" directory as "non-interactive.bash".


The stealth_key_tool API exposes several high-level functions that simplify the most common tasks related to working with HD wallets.


keccak_256(message) -> Crypto.Hash.keccak.Keccak_Hash

Takes message as bytes and returns a pycryptodome Crypto.Hash.keccak.Keccak_Hash object initialized and updated with the message.


get_currency(ticker) -> Currency

Takes a ticker as a str and returns a new instance of Currency with the following attributes:

  • name : str representing the currency name
  • ticker : str representing the currency ticker
  • coin : int representing the currency coin id
  • addr_net_byte : int representing the address network byte
  • wif_net_byte : int representing the wif network byte
  • get_address : function (key) -> str
  • get_copy : function () -> Currency

Available currencies are "XST", "BTC", "ETH", "LTC", "DOGE", "FTC", and "VTC".

The returned Currency object can be modified without influencing the default currencies obtained by this function.


seed_from_mnemonic(mnemonic, salt="") -> bytes

Takes the mnemonic phrase as a str and optional salt as a str and returns bytes representing the seed derived from the mnemonic.


key_from_mnemonic(mnemonic, salt="") -> BIP32Key

Takes the mnemonic phrase as a str and optional salt as a str and returns a private BIP32Key derived from the mnemonic.


get_p2pkh_address(key, netbyte) -> str

Takes a BIP32Key and the network byte (62 for XST) to create a pay-to-public-key-hash (p2pkh) address, returned as a str.


get_eth_address(key, netbyte=None) -> str

Takes a BIP32Key to create a checksummed ETH address as a str. The netbyte argument is ignored if given to allow interchanging of get_*_address() functions in a functional setting.


 get_child_key(key, purpose=PURPOSE,
                    address_index=None) -> BIP32Key

Takes a BIP32Key and optional int arguments for the purpose, coin type, account, change, and address index, to produce a new child key returned as a BIP32Key. This function simplifies calculating keys in the heirarchy by inferring from the argument list the heirarchical level of the child key. IMPORTANT: the resulting child key will always be hardened for purpose, coin type, and account.


get_path(purpose, coin, account, change, index) -> str

Takes the purpose, coin, account, change, and address index as ints and returns the full 6-part path (e.g. m/44'/125'/0'/0/0) as a str.


get_wif(key) -> str

Takes a BIP32Key and returns the private key in wallet import format (WIF) as a str.


parse_coin_id(p) -> int

Takes a str and attempts to interpret it as a coin identifier. Throws a CoinError upon failure to interpret the input. The returned value is an int. IMPORTANT: this function ignores any apostrophe meant to indicate hardening and returns the identifier modulo the hardening constant (0x80000000).


parse_account_id(p) -> int

Takes a str and attempts to interpret it as an account identifier. Throws an AccountError upon failure to interpret the input. The returned value is an int. IMPORTANT: this function ignores any apostrophe meant to indicate hardening and returns the identifier modulo the hardening constant (0x80000000).


parse_address_index(p) -> int

Takes a value and attempts to interpret it as an address index. Throws an AddressError upon failure to interpret the input. The returned value is an int.


parse_path(pth) -> tuple

Takes a str and attempts to parse it as an HD path. The path must have three parts (e.g. 0'/0/0) and evaluate to a valid path. If it fails, it will throw one of AccountError, ChangeError, or AddressError depending on the part of the path that is not valid. The returned tuple has three int elements representing the account identifier, change specifier, and address index. IMPORTANT: this function ignores any apostrophe meant to indicate hardening and returns the account identifier modulo the hardening constant (0x80000000).


parse_network_byte(p) -> int

Takes a value and attempts to interpret it as a network byte. Throws a NetworkError upon failure to interpret the input. The returned value is an int.


make_phrase_words(words, lang) -> list

Takes the number of words (12, 15, 18, 21, or 24) and the language, (only english is supported currently) and returns a new, random ordered set of words (strs) for use as a secret phrase mnemonic.


check_phrase(phrase, lang) -> dict

Takes the phrase as a str (single space separated BIP39 words) and the languange (only english is supported currently) and returns a dict that reports the entropy, checksum, and validity.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) 2022 2024, James Stroud

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.