Searches through a specified folder for PS3 games and renames the folder to a understandable pattern.
ruby ps3_renamer.rb folder rename_pattern
folder - Directory that contains PS3 GAMES, if not especified, the scripts runs in current directory
rename_pattern - The renaming pattern, it must be in "Ruby Style", the default is "%{TITLE} - %{TITLE_ID}"
TITLE = Title of the game, example: "Dead or Alive 5"
TITLE_ID = ID of disc, example: "BLUS1234"
OBS: Spaces and special characters are escaped with "_"
ruby ps3_renamer.rb ftp host folder rename_pattern
host - hostname or ip of PS3 running MultiMAN or similar homebrew with ftp support
folder - Directory that contains PS3 GAMES, if not especified, the scripts runs in 'dev_hdd0/GAMES'
rename_pattern - The renaming pattern, it must be in "Ruby Style", the default is "%{TITLE} - %{TITLE_ID}"
TITLE = Title of the game, example: "Dead or Alive 5"
TITLE_ID = ID of disc, example: "BLUS1234"