
Docker Images for Application Lifecycle Management using Atlassian products

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Docker containers for Atlassian JIRA, Bitbucket and Bamboo

These containers are intended to run behind BASE_URL served Apache httpd.


One liner to get everything up and running,

# if using boot2docker, replace with the IP of the boot2docker VM
export BASE_URL=

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stealthstartuplabs/atlassian-dockers/master/run.sh | bash -

To build the images locally, clone this repo first, then


# if using boot2docker, replace with the IP of the boot2docker VM
BASE_URL= ./run.sh all

Then point your browser at the URL below to install license and configuation for each applicaiton:

Application URL
Bamboo BASE_URL/bamboo
Bitbucket BASE_URL/bitbucket

To use the postgres database, use db as host name, postgres as username and password as passord. Database name is same as application name, e.g jira, bitbucket, bamboo.

Test with boot2docker, Amazon EC2 instance and Google Compute Enginge

boot2docker with Parallels on Mac

The following steps should work for most people.

cd vagrant/paralles
vagrant up

# copy the certificates files from ~/.docker in the VM to the host machine
# modify docker-env script and update the DOCKER_CERT_PATH with directory above
# then

. ./docker-env

Amazon EC2 instance with Amazon Linux AMI (HVM)

Before vagrant up please check the Vagrantfile to make sure it contains the configuration you want, especially the your access key, region, VPC subnet_id etc in order to work correctly.

Google Compute Engine with image "centos-7-v20150127"

Before vagrant up please check the Vagrantfile to make sure it contains the configuration you want, especially the your aproject id, access client email and key location. For ssh access to the instance, please upload your ssh key via console before spin up the instance.

see GCE documentation for details. more references in this GitHub issue