TABR-BERT: an Accurate and Robust BERT-based Transfer Learning Model for TCR-pMHC Interaction Prediction

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION



TABR-BERT: an Accurate and Robust BERT-based Transfer Learning Model for TCR-pMHC Interaction Prediction
Publication: https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbad436
Contract: hui.yao@freshwindbiotech.com


There are two ways to run TABR-BERT

1. Docker(recommend)

The Installation of Docker can be seen in https://docs.docker.com/

Pull the image of TABR-BERT from dockerhub:

docker pull freshwindbioinformatics/tabr-bert:v1

Run the image in bash:

docker run -it --gpus all freshwindbioinformatics/tabr-bert:v1 bash

* Note : The parameter "--gpus" requires docker version higher than 19.03.

2. Conda and pip


  • python == 3.9.12
  • mhcnames == 0.4.8
  • numpy == 1.21.5
  • pandas == 1.2.0
  • scikit_learn == 1.1.3
  • scipy == 1.8.0
  • torch == 1.11.0

* Note : If you want to use the GPU, you should install CUDA and cuDNN version compatible with the pytorch version. Version Searching


conda create -n tabr_bert python==3.9.12
conda activate tabr_bert
pip install -r requirements.txt

* Note : How to download and install conda? Documentation.


You can find the data used to train TCR-BERT, pMHC-BERT and healthy TCR dataset at https://zenodo.org/record/8215354



*Note : If you don't have a GPU, then you can only run the predict file.

1. pretrain TCR embedding model (TCR-BERT)

Usage: pre_train_tcr_embedding_model.py [options]
      --input STRING: The input data to train the TCR embedding model (*.csv) 
                      Required columns: "cdr3"
      --model_dir STRING: where to save the model (*.pt)

      --n_layers INT: number of transformer encoder layers (default: 4)
      --d_model INT: number of embedding dimention (default: 256)
      --batchsize INT: mini batchsize (default: 1024)
      --lr Float: learning rate (default: 5e-5)
      --max_epoch INT: Maximum number of train epoch (default: 100)
      --GPUs INT: num of GPUs used in this task(default: 2)

*Note : If you use docker, then you can train the TCR embedding model directly with the following command:

python pre_train_tcr_embedding_model.py

This requires two GPUs with more than 8G of memory, which can reduce the memory requirements by lowering the batchsize, but may affect the stability and effectiveness of training.

2. pretrain pMHC embedding model (pMHC-BERT)

Usage: pre_train_pmhc_embedding_model.py [options]
      --input STRING: The input data to train the pMHC embedding model (*.csv) 
                      Required columns: ["allele", "peptide", "label"]
      --random_peptide STRING: natural peptides for generating negative cases (*.csv)
                               Required columns: "peptide"      
      --model_dir STRING: where to save the model (*.pt)

      --n_layers INT: number of transformer encoder layers (default: 4)
      --d_model INT: number of embedding dimention (default: 256)
      --neg_X INT: negative case multiple (default: 2)
      --batchsize INT: mini batchsize (default: 1024)
      --lr Float: learning rate (default: 5e-5)
      --max_epoch INT: Maximum number of train epoch (default: 100)
      --GPUs INT: num of GPUs used in this task(default: 2)

*Note : If you use docker, then you can train the pMHC embedding model directly with the following command:

python pre_train_pmhc_embedding_model.py

This requires two GPUs with more than 14G of memory, which can reduce the memory requirements by lowering the batchsize, but may affect the stability and effectiveness of training.

3. TCR-pMHC prediction model

Usage: train_tcr_pmhc_prediction_model.py [options]
      --input STRING: The input data to train the TCR-pMHC prediction model (*.csv) 
                      Required columns: ["allele", "peptide", "cdr3"]
      --healthy_tcr STRING: TCRs from healthy people for generating negative cases (*.csv)
                            Required columns: "cdr3" 
      --pseudo_sequence_dict STRING: allele name to pseudo sequence (*.csv)
                                     Required columns: ["allele" "sequence"]    
      --tcr_model STRING: TCR embedding model dir (*.pt)
      --pmhc_model STRING: pMHC embedding model dir (*.pt)                          
      --model_dir STRING: where to save the model (*.pt)

      --batchsize INT: mini batchsize (default: 256)
      --embedding_batchsize INT: mini batchsize of generation embedding (default: 256)
      --pmhc_d_model INT: dimention of pmhc embedding (default: 256)
      --tcr_d_model INT: dimention of pmhc embedding (default: 256)
      --lr Float: learning rate (default: 5e-4)
      --max_epoch INT: Maximum number of train epoch (default: 500)
      --GPUs INT: num of GPUs used in this task(default: 2)

*Note : If you use docker, then you can train the TCR-pMHC prediction model directly with the following command:

python train_tcr_pmhc_prediction_model.py

This requires two GPUs with more than 5G of memory, which can reduce the memory requirements by lowering the batchsize, but may affect the stability and effectiveness of training.


Usage: predict_tcr_pmhc_binding.py [options]
      --input STRING: The data to be predicted (*.csv) 
                      Required columns: ["allele", "peptide", "cdr3"]
      --healthy_tcr STRING: TCRs from healthy people for generating negative cases (*.csv)
                            Required columns: "cdr3" 
      --pseudo_sequence_dict STRING: allele name to pseudo sequence (*.csv)
                                     Required columns: ["allele" "sequence"]   
      --tcr_pmhc_model STRING: TCR-pMHC prediction model dir (*.pt)
      --tcr_model STRING: TCR embedding model dir (*.pt)
      --pmhc_model STRING: pMHC embedding model dir (*.pt)                           
      --output STRING: output file dir (*.csv)

      --batchsize INT: mini batchsize (default: 256)
      --embedding_batchsize INT: mini batchsize of generation embedding (default: 256)
      --pmhc_d_model INT: dimention of pmhc embedding (default: 256)
      --tcr_d_model INT: dimention of pmhc embedding (default: 256)
      --GPUs INT: num of GPUs used in this task [if you have GPU recommend 1, if not, recommend 0] (default: 0)

*Note : If you use docker, then you can predict directly with the following command:

python predict_tcr_pmhc_binding.py --input input_data.csv


Jiawei Zhang, Wang Ma, Hui Yao, "Accurate TCR-pMHC interaction prediction using a BERT-based transfer learning method", Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2024, bbad436, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbad436