
A roguelike that I use to keep sharp with C and implement features I find fun

Primary LanguageC

This roguelike is a passion project of mine that has been through many
iterations in many programming languages. Currently, it is written in C,
using Flecs, GLib, Uncursed, and my Dijkstra Map library.

To build this project, you'll need the following shared libraries:

1. GLib >= 2.72.4
2. Uncursed from NetHack4

Once you have these dependencies, simply use the makefile to build the
project. The following targets are supported:

default, roguelike: the whole project
flecs: build only flecs
dijkstra: build only the dijkstra lib
clean: delete object files

Currently only the Dijkstra Map library has a test. It can be found in the
lib/test directory