GitHub OmniAuth


The intention of this repo is to demonstrate my practice using OAuth, particularly the OmniAuth GitHub gem. This simple Rails app gives the option for a user to log in to the app using their GitHub account, which then redirects them to a page displaying the names of all of their public and private repos associated with that account. Each repo listed is a link to the GitHub repo page for that particular repository.

functionality gif

System Requirements

This repository is intended for use with Mac OS.

This uses Ruby 2.5.3 and Rails, with PostgreSQL for the database.

Local Setup

To setup locally, follow these instructions:

  • Fork & Clone Repo
    • Fork this repo to your own GitHub account.
    • Create a new directory locally or cd into whichever directory you wish to clone down to.
    • Enter git clone<<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>>/gh_omniauth.git
  • Install Gems
    • Run bundle install to install all gems in the Gemfile
    • Run figaro install
  • Set Up Local Database
    • Run rails db:create


In the Terminal, cd into this directory and fire up rails server. In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:3000 Click the Login with GitHub button and enter in your valid GitHub email and password.

That's it! Explore your repositories, and happy coding!