
Utilities that facilitate working with Mithril and Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version

Mithril Redux

This package provides utilites for working with Redux within a Mithril application. It works almost exactly like react-redux.

It subscribes to the store and sets state.props to values provided by two mapping functions, one that maps state and the other that maps dispatch.

It does not rely on you using the mjsx Babel plugin.

This is a mostly complete rewrite of colinbate/mithril-redux, which was compatible with Mithril 0.2. The new version changes the API for connect() (making it work like react-redux) and also makes the library compatible with Mithril 1.0.


Install with:

npm install --save mithril-redux


Provider.init(store, mithril, component)

When you are mounting your app, you should call this function to initialize the link between your store and Mithril.

The parameters are the Redux store, then the mithril (m) object, and then an optional mithril component. If the component is a function is it instantiated and returned, otherwise it is returned as-is.


import m from 'mithril';
import {Provider} from 'mithril-redux';
import configStore from './store';
import Root from './root';

const store = configStore({name: 'World', age: 30});

m.mount(document.body, Provider.init(store, m, Root));

connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(component)

Used to turn your Mithril components into Redux-aware Mithril components. Works similar to connect from react-redux.

  • mapStateToProps - A function which provides the result of store.getState() and the component's own state.props variable and returns a list of props to add to the component's state.props. This function is generally used for connecting store values to component props.
  • mapDispatchToProps - A function which provides store.dispatch and the component's own state.props variable and returns a list of props to add to the component's state.props. This function is generally used to connect action creators to Redux's dispatch function.
  • component - The Mithril component to connect.


import {connect} from 'mithril-redux';
import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux'
import {incrementAge, decrementAge, resetAge} from './actions';

const AgeBox = {
	view: function(vnode) {
		const {state} = vnode;
		return m('div', [
			m('span', 'Age: ' + state.props.age),
			m('button', {onclick: state.props.actions.dec}, 'Younger'),
			m('button', {onclick: state.props.actions.inc}, 'Older'),
			m('button', {onclick: state.props.actions.reset}, 'Reset')

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
	age: state.age
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  actions: bindActionCreators({incrementAge, decrementAge, resetAge}, dispatch)
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AgeBox);

Changes to 2.0.0

  • connect now accepts two functions as its first two parameters:
    • One that maps from store.getState() to state.props
    • One that maps from store.dispatch to state.props
  • The component will now be subscribed to the redux store, rather than just get updates as part of the component's own lifecycle.