
A Peer to Peer language learning app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Peer to Peer language learning app


  • Product Owner: Brandon Ellis
  • Scrum Master: Jeff Peoples
  • Development Team Members: Bill Kilmer, Angela Wang


This app is built with Angular.js on the front-end and Node.js/Express on the back-end. There are several major parts of this app:

  1. Database: MongoDB (Mongoose ODM) - Jabbr stores user data on MongoDB, and uses the Mongoose ODM (think ORM for NoSQL) to provide an interaction between server code and MongoDB.

  2. Socket.IO: Used for event system and text chat.

  3. webRTC: Established client-to-client connection for audio/video chat.


  • Node 0.12.x
  • MongoDB 3.0.0


Installing Dependencies

From within the project root:

npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install

Getting started

To start MongoDB and serve the app, simply use

grunt serve

from the root directory.


View the project roadmap here.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.