Kurento composite node example

This is an example of how mixing several video streams with Kurento and record to a file with Node.js. In this example, each client send his own video stream and receive a mix of all video streams.

Kurento media server installation

Please refer to [Kurento Media Server Github repository] to find installation guide.

Kurento composite node example installation

Be sure to have installed [Node.js] in your system:

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install node modules and bower components

npm install

Run the application

npm start

Setting Kurento Media Server url and port

By default, the application server try to reach a Kurento Media Server at localhost. You can change the host and the port of kurento media server in server.js.

[Kurento Media Server Github repository]: https://github.com/Kurento/kurento-media-server# kurento-composite-conference-recording-nodejs
