Forking, Installation instructions and set up:

Setting up repository on machine - Fork project to your GitHub account

  1. Follow the guide here

Cloning project to your machine

  1. Follow the guide here

Setting up project (just the first time)

Create a database to use

  1. go to Terminal #1 and run:
mysql -u root -p
Enter password: your@password
CREATE DATABASE database_name;
USE database_name;

Run mysql

Now you can run your queries, such as:

SHOW tables;
SELECT * FROM <tablename>;
DESC <tablename>;

or to change a Table's column name..

ALTER TABLE <tablename> CHANGE <col-oldname> <col-newname> VARCHAR(255)

You can close this terminal.

start expresss server -

  1. open Terminal #2: cd into the Project file and run:
npm install
npm run migrate
npm start

Don't kill it; let it run.

Start frontend dev server

  1. Open Terminal #3 and run:
cd client
npm install
npm run dev

Don't kill it; let it run.

Add .env with your DB password

  1. Create a .env file at the top level of your project with the following (all other details are already in the model/database.js file)
DB_USER= your@user
DB_PASS= your@pass
DB_NAME= your@DBname (the one you created in step 1 of creating a database ;)

Set up complete!

Open project in VSCode

  1. Once the project is on your machine, drag the folder and drop it in VSCode to open it or run the shortcut:
cd your@project
code .

Enjoy learning through this project !