
Docker Compose setup for TICK stack + grafana

MIT LicenseMIT


Run the complete tick stack plus grafana using docker compose. This uses the latest versions of each individual docker image.


Start all the images as follows:

# cd to desired version
cd 1.3/
# Start all images in the background
docker-compose up -d

Check that InfluxDB works:

Run this curl command, if no errors occur InfluxDB is running:

curl http://localhost:8086/ping

The influx client

Use the built-in influx cli service:

docker-compose run influxdb-cli

Check that Telegraf works

By default, the Telegraf creates a telegraf database. Check that InfluxDB has such a database in addition to the _internal database.

docker-compose run influxdb-cli
> show databases

Check that Chronograf works

Access the Chronograf inteface, http://localhost:8888

Check Kapacitor works

First, run this curl command, if no errors occur Kapacitor is running:

curl http://localhost:9092/kapacitor/v1/ping

Use the built-in kapacitor cli service:

docker-compose run kapacitor-cli
$ kapacitor list tasks

Confirm Kapacitor is subscribed to all databases in InfluxDB

docker-compose run influxdb-cli
> show subscriptions
