
Primary LanguagePython



In this project, we propose SimultQA: System-level hybrid Multi-Hop reasoning for complex Question Answering that can simultaneously perform multi-hop reasoning process over KB and Text to answer complex questions and combine the advantages of both QA systems, e.g., complex reasoning ability in KBQA system and large answer coverage in Text QA system.

Data Format for Training Data

HotpotQA: {'id': ..., 'question': ..., 'answer': ...,'supporting_facts_hop1': [title, gold_paragraph], 'supporting_facts_hop2': [title, gold_paragraph], 'bm_candidates': [title, paragraph] * 100, 'hyperlink_candidates': [title, paragraph] * 100}
CWQ: {'gold_hop1': [path, [mid]],'gold_hop2': [ path, [mid] ], 'cand_hop1': [ path, [mid] ] * N, 'cand_hop2': [ path, [mid] ] * N , 'answers': [mid1,mid2 ...] }

Retriever Training

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -u ./retriever/run_retriever.py \
--train=True \
--train_kb_dir='../data/cwq_train_cand_paths.pkl' \
--train_text_dir='../data/cand_paragraphs_iclr_tfidf_hyperlink.pkl' \
--output_dir='../saved_models' \
--output_suffix='hybrid' \
--lr=3e-5 --epochs=3 \
--train_batch_size=2 --grad_acc_steps=1 \
--num_bm_cands=20 --num_hy_cands=10 \
--num_kb_cands=30 \
--chunk_size=10 \

Retriever Inference

python ./retriever/retriever_inference.py --infer_type cwq_kb

# --infer_type can be: cwq_kb, cwq_text, htqa_text, htqa_kb


# This script includes three parts: reasoning paths ranking, answer prediction and final evaluation.

python ./eval/prediction_joint.py --dataset_name cwq --kb_beam_size 5 --text_beam_size 5

# --dataset_name can be: cwq, htqa
# --kb_beam_size: the number of kb reasoning paths for ranking
# --text_beam_size: the number of text reasoning paths for ranking