
A papermill engine and CLI tool that posts success/failure of notebook execution to Slack.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This Python package sends the outcome of papermill-executed notebooks to a Slack channel via incoming webhooks. It can be both used as a papermill engine, and as a stand-alone CLI tool. Stand-alone usage can be useful in scenarios, where another engine is in use, or for batch execution on multiple notebooks.


Screenshot of a Slack message sent by papermill_slack


  • ❗/ ✅ Distinguish executions with exceptions and successful executions
  • ⏲ For successful executions post duration
  • 🎲 For successful executions post parameters


pip install git+https://github.com/StefanBrand/papermill_slack.git


For all use-cases the environment variable PAPERMILL_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL must be set, i.e.

export PAPERMILL_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Usage as a papermill engine

papermill --engine slack_engine my_notebook.ipynb my_executed_notebook.ipynb

Usage as a stand-alone CLI tool

papermill_slack my_executed_notebook.ipynb

Or piping from stdout to stdin:

papermill my_notebook.ipynb - | papermill_slack -


The project uses black for formatting, flake8 for linting, mypy for static type checking and pytest for unit tests. A .devcontainer exists for quick on-boarding in VSCode.